Monetizing your community is a hard task. It requires a lot of time, dedication and most often than not doesn’t work out the way you want it to. It can be dictated by various factors. All in all, it’s not an easy task.
Generic Ads Are Bad
Generic ads are bad and they should feel bad about themselves. Sending out a generic ad is like handing out flyers in the street. Most of them will end up as trash because people are in most NOT interested in whatever is being advertised.
If only there was a way of knowing what those people like, what interests they have, what is their age, gender, occupation etc. Then handing out flyers only to those people who might be interested will have a much higher conversion rate.
Ads Don’t Have To Be Bad
Have you ever wondered how Facebook knows that you’re planning a trip? How it knows what movies you like? What games you like to play? All these ads seems to be very well suited to you, don’t they? They know all about your age, gender, marital status and more.
It’s not big news that Facebook goes over your profile and lets advertisers pick who they want to show their ads to. Right now we’re giving you the power to do the same for Your Community!
Now So Can You!
Do it like Facebook does it. Target ads at specific groups of Your Community members. Advanced Ads and Advanced Ads Pro plugins are powerful on their own. But right now you can you can offer your advertisers the possibility of real social ads targeting.
What Can You Actually Target
That depends on what plugins you have installed and activated. What profile fields you have available in your users’ profiles. What groups and who’s a VIP. We’ll only cover this integration’s targeting options but you should definitely check out the entire possibilities of Advanced Ads Pro. It’s really an amazing solution that you should definitely consider.
PeepSo Core Plugin
- Age
Target specific age or a range. - Gender
Target specific gender.
Extended Profiles
Ads more fields and field types to user profiles’ so you can target more.
- Single select fields
Create fields and ask for: relationship status, occupation, education etc. - Multiple select fields
Create fields and ask for: favorite movie, game or book genres, hobbies etc. - Gender
Extended Profiles plugin adds the possibility to add more gender options to select.
Groups Plugin
Target users who are or aren’t members of a specified group or groups.
VIP Plugin
Target users who have specific badges assigned or don’t show ads to them.
Social Targeting Combinations
Advanced Ads and Advanced Ads Pro come with their own conditions for visitors (or users). Combining these with what this integration offers with all of the above-mentioned plugins and the possibilities are endless.
All things considered, though. What you need to always keep in mind is that creating impossible conditions is also a possibility. So double check what criteria you are picking for displaying ads. Know Your Community and actually target people who’d be interested in a given solution or a product.
Ads On PeepSo Activity Stream
You can show any ad type on PeepSo Activity Stream that comes by default with Advanced Ads or Advanced Ads Pro. However, we wanted to make our own ad type so that it blends in with Your Community.
The PeepSo Stream Ad type comes with:
- Avatar – Displays on Activity Stream as a ‘user avatar’
- Image – Displays on Activity Stream as a ‘user added image’
- Content – Displays on Activity Stream as a ‘user added post’
- URL – Where the ad leads.
Global Configuration
The PeepSo – Advanced Ads Integration plugin comes with global configuration which gives the options to decide how often to show ads on PeepSo Stream and whether to mark the ads as ‘sponsored content’ or not. You can also change the phrase to say anything else.
Documentation on this integration can be found here.
Requirements & Support
For this integration to work you MUST have the following plugins installed and activated:
This Plugin Also Integrates With:
Any questions or issues with the PeepSo – Advanced Ads Integration Plugin should be reported via support tickets through the form. If you open a ticket with PeepSo Support and the question will be directly connected with Advanced Ads or Advanced Ads Pro we’ll kindly refer you to their support / documentation.
Any questions or issues with Advanced Ads or Advanced Ads Pro should be reported to the developer of these awesome plugins you can find documentation and help on how to use Advanced Ads and Advanced Ads Pro here.
Summary & Thank You
PeepSo – Advanced Ads Integration Plugin (combined with the other plugins mentioned above) provide ad targeting options which have never been seen in the WordPress world before. Advanced Ads brings an unbelievable amount of options on its own, but adding the social targeting aspect of a community as well is something that advertisers will pay a lot for.
This integration could never have happened, had it not been for the amazing plugin created by Thomas Maier ❤
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