You might have read how you actually need your own social network for your blog if you want to flourish. Let’s take it a step further, though. Empower your users to not only share their own thoughts via PeepSo posts on your community. Give them the tools to contribute to your blog.
Creating great content that’s interesting to people on your WordPress blog can prove challenging at times. Asking for your community members’ opinion is awesome, and people love to share. When Your Community writes and shares you let them take some of the load off your shoulders. Let them create valuable content. Empower your users and get a lot in return!
Community Blog
PeepSo allows you to create a truly awesome social network. Now, use it to your advantage even more. By using the BlogPosts plugin in combination with User Submitted Posts you can allow members of your community to write their own blog posts. Submit them and as such create content for your website.
You can set it up so that you have to review posts before they get published. For those ‘trusted’ members their posts can be approved automatically and fresh content can fly out into the world. Generate more content means more people come to your site, join your community, more people return to your website.
That’s how you keep not only your blog but Your Community alive and flourishing.
Being Heard
Who doesn’t like being listened to? When we write something we want people read it. That’s the point. If it weren’t meant to be seen, we’d just store it on our computer and not publish it on the web. Or scribble it on a piece of paper and just keep in a drawer away from anyone’s eyes.
Having that said, when you let people share on your blog and they see their article being published, more often than not they’ll brag about it on every single social media they’re a part of.
Look! I’ve been published!
They’ll feel appreciated, they’ll feel empowered and they’ll feel a sense of pride. They’ll become the strongest advocates of your blog and Your Community.
Generating Engagement
We all know that notifications are important and are bringing people back to the website. That’s one of the biggest advantages of owning Your Own Community. When people’s posts are published, with the BlogPosts plugin every time a blog post is published it creates a corresponding post on the PeepSo Activity Stream. Right under blog posts you can setup the author box, the reactions and commenting section all corresponding to the activity stream post about the new article being published.
All it takes is for one person to comment, someone replies or likes it. It snowballs from there. Notifications are what keeps bringing people back to your website.
How To Start Your Community Blog
Everyone loves a good competition. It’s what makes this world run. Create a competition for to kick start Your Community Blog. Write one article announcing that you’re allowing blog posts to be submitted to the Community Blog. All it takes is for you to say you’re creating that Community Blog for Your Members where anyone can submit an article. Set your own rules about the competition and a prize that goes with it.
Set a deadline people have to stick to. Sit back and watch the submissions fly in! Publish the blog posts on Your Community Blog and let people like, comment and share the ones they think are the best. Let Your Community pick the winner by voting in the comments, with reactions and watch your blog come to life like never before.
Prizes & Rewards
Reward the best writers with VIP icons,
Badges and let them be recognized throughout Your Community. They’ll wear them as badges of honor. With BadgeOS Integration you can set a system of achievements which people can gain and those achievements can be displayed on their profiles. Who doesn’t like achievement?! The whole gaming world is filled with them and it makes people fight for them.
Just Advantages
I can’t think of a scenario where this wouldn’t work. Not only your WordPress blog gets new content, which of course you can moderate so you have full control over what gets published, but also you get a lot of returning and new traffic to your website. Let your members work for your advantage and for you. Where in return they get an amazing community they’ll forever cherish. It’s a win-win!
Tell Us What You Think!
What competition would you organize? What’s your opinion on owning a social network? We can’t find the cons, to be honest. Care to prove us wrong? ? Let us know what you think in the comment below.
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