Refund Policy

We offer 14-day money back guarantee on new product purchases. If for any reason you’d like to get a refund, please do contact us and open a billing ticket. We might ask you for a reason, in order to make our products and services better.

We offer a 7-day money-back guarantee on automatic renewals, only if purchased products were not downloaded, updated, or used after the renewal payment was processed. We send out three notification emails prior to the renewal charge. One email is sent one month prior to the renewal charge, another one is sent two weeks prior to the renewal charge, last one is sent three days prior to the renewal charge. Emails are sent to the email used when making a purchase. Please note, if for any reason you don’t receive these emails, it can’t be the reason to claim a refund, as we send them just as reminders. To ensure delivery, whitelist:, and

PeepSo Services such as Installation & Configuration, Custom Code Development, Mobile App Setup Service Fee and others which require manual labor by PeepSo staff are non-refundable under any circumstances.

You can view and manage your subscriptions in your account. Whenever in doubt, please do contact our support and we can help you manage your subscriptions.

Refunds are processed by PeepSo billing team within 10 business days from the date refund request was sent via proper channel.

Refunds are not provided, if clients are in breach of any of PeepSo, inc. policies.

For refunds to be processed you need to completely delete any and all PeepSo software from your website and other storage services or devices.

Once refunded, your license will be disabled and purchased products won’t work. You’ll also no longer have access to downloads, updates or technical support.

By making a purchase in our online store at, you agree to this refund policy and relinquish any rights to subject it to any questions, judgment or legal actions. All sales are made in USD. We are not liable to cover any differences in exchange rates between the time you purchased and the time you are refunded. Refunds can be processed exclusively back to the same payment method used.

Refunds will not be granted, if you’re in breach with any of our other policies or license agreements.

Any disputes open directly with payment processors with or without prior contact with PeepSo, Inc. support will result in resolving those disputes via their respective channels. At the same time the account on and any other PeepSo, Inc. website associated with the disputed charges will be terminated.

This is not a free trial policy. One client is eligible only for one refund. If you were refunded once before, subsequent refund requests will not be granted.

This policy is subject to change at any time, without prior notice. You are responsible for reviewing this policy on a regular basis.

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