Snippet: Change Notifications Colors

Note: this is the custom code change and as such is not officially supported by PeepSo team. You should create the full backup of your site before applying custom codes.

Overview #

This snippet will allow you to change notifications colors.

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/* notifications colors */
.ps-notification {background-color: grey;}
.ps-notification .ps-notification__body {color: white;}
.ps-notification .ps-notification__desc-quote > span {color: red;}
.ps-notification .ps-notification__meta > span {color: blue;}
/* unread notifications colors */
.ps-notification--unread {background-color: black;}
.ps-notification--unread .ps-notification__body {color: red;}
.ps-notification--unread .ps-notification__desc-quote > span {color: grey;}
.ps-notification--unread .ps-notification__meta > span {color: yellow;}

How To Apply This Snippet? #

  • Method 1 (Manually) – Open the WordPress Admin Panel and navigate to “Appearance -> Customize”. Once WordPress Customizer is open, expand the Custom CSS panel and copy the snippet to it.
  • Method 2 (Trough plugin) – NOT SUPPORTED! Since this is a CSS change, you can’t use the plugins like Code Snippets to add it. It must be installed manually.
What are your feelings
Updated on Oct 3, 2023