Setting Up The Amazon Elastic Transcoder Integration

Adding the Group and User to IAM Service #

Before we can proceed setting up the integration, we will need the “group” and the user that will be used to communicate between your PeepSo-based site and Amazon.

Creating the Group #

  1. Login to AWS Console
  2. Go To IAM Service
  3. Click Groups on Left Sidebar
  4. Click Create New Group
  5. >Fill “PeepSoVideoUpload” in Group Name field, click Next Step
  6. Attach policy:
  • AmazonElasticTranscoder_FullAccess
  • AmazonS3FullAccess
  • AmazonElasticTranscoder_JobsSubmitter
  1. Click Next Step for Review Group User Creation>
  2. Click Create Group

Create User #

  1. Login to AWS Console
  2. Go To IAM Services
  3. Click Users on Left Sidebar
  4. Click Add Users
  5. Fill username
  6. Choose access type Programmatic access
  7. Click Next to add permission
  8. Check Recently Created Group in Add user to group section
  9. Click Next for tagging users
  10. Click Next for review
  11. Click Create User

Configuring AWS S3 #

Create Bucket #

  1. Login to AWS Console
  2. Go to S3 Service
  3. Click button Create Bucket
  4. In the bucket name fill DNS-compliant bucket name
  5. Choose region, please note that the region must be same with Elastic Transcoder Service
  6. Click next for configuring logging options
  7. Click next for set permissions
  8. Uncheck “Block public access” section
  9. Click next for review
  10. Click Create Bucket for start bucket creation

Attach Policy #

  1. Login to AWS Console
  2. Go to S3 Service
  3. Click bucket name in your list bucket
  4. Click permissions tab
  5. Click bucket policy
  6. Click policy Generator
  7. In policy type, choose S3 Bucket Policy
  8. In principal field, fill ARN of your selected user (you can get User ARN in Amazon AWS IAM dashboard)
  9. In actions, check these options:
  • PutObject
  • PutObjectAcl
  • GetObject
  1. Fill resource with ARn of your S3 bucket
  2. Click add statement
  3. Click Generate Policy
  4. Copy paste the policy to your Bucket Policy

Configuring AWS Elastic Transcoder Pipeline #

Create Pipeline #

  1. Login to AWS Console
  2. Go to Elastic Transcoder Service
  3. Chose the same region of your S3 bucket in navbar
  4. Click Create a new Pipeline button
  5. Fill pipeline name
  6. Fill input bucket with your newly created bucket
  7. In the Configuration for Amazon S3 Bucket for Transcoded Files and Playlists, fill bucket and select storage class “Reduce Redundancy”. Then Click Add permission:
  • Grantee Type : Amazon S3 Group
  • Grantee : All User
  • Access : Open/Download and View Permission
  1. In the Configuration for Amazon S3 Bucket for Thumbnails, fill bucket and select storage class “Reduce Redundancy”. Then Click Add permission:
  • Grantee Type : Amazon S3 Group
  • Grantee : All User
  • Access : Open/Download and View Permission
  1. Choose notification type : Optional
  2. Choose encryption
  3. Click “Save”

Create Preset #

  1. Login to AWS Console
  2. Go To Elastic Transcoder Service
  3. Choose the same region of your S3 bucket in navbar
  4. Click Preset on your left sidebar
  5. Click Create New Preset Button
  6. If you’d like to start with predefine AWS Preset, you can choose it in Start With preset Section and choose your prefered configurations, for example I choose “System Preset: Generic 1080p”
  7. Then I rename it to “System Preset: Generic 1080p – Finale” in the name field
  8. Fill description
  9. Chose mp4 in container
  10. For the rest configuration we used default configuration, except for the Watermark and Thumbnails sections
  11. I have removed all of watermark configuration since I don’t need this for now
  12. I change the interval value in thumbnail section to 999999, in order to create only one thumbnail for every converted video
  13. Review and Create Preset Button if the configurations is looks great

Configuring PeepSo Videos #

  1. Login to your WordPress Backend
  2. Go To PeepSo -> Configurations -> Audio & Video
  3. Enable Video Upload
  4. Enable AWS Elastic transcoder Integration
  5. Fill Amazon Access Key ID and Amazon Secret Access Key from your IAM Role
  6. Choose AWS Region where S3 Bucket and Elastic Transcoder Pipeline Created
  7. Fill Bucket name
  8. Fill Elastic Transcoder Pipeline ID
  9. Fill Elastic Transcoder Preset ID
  10. Check “Don’t keep a local copy of uploaded files” if you don’t want to keep original file video in S3
  11. Click Save

The video tutorial that covers Amazon Elastic Transcoder configuration: #

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Updated on Oct 2, 2023