Adding the Group and User to IAM Service #
Before we can proceed setting up the integration, we will need the “group” and the user that will be used to communicate between your PeepSo-based site and Amazon.
Creating the Group #
- Login to AWS Console
- Go To IAM Service
- Click Groups on Left Sidebar
- Click Create New Group
- >Fill “PeepSoVideoUpload” in Group Name field, click Next Step
- Attach policy:
- AmazonElasticTranscoder_FullAccess
- AmazonS3FullAccess
- AmazonElasticTranscoder_JobsSubmitter
- Click Next Step for Review Group User Creation>
- Click Create Group
Create User #
- Login to AWS Console
- Go To IAM Services
- Click Users on Left Sidebar
- Click Add Users
- Fill username
- Choose access type Programmatic access
- Click Next to add permission
- Check Recently Created Group in Add user to group section
- Click Next for tagging users
- Click Next for review
- Click Create User
Configuring AWS S3 #
Create Bucket #
- Login to AWS Console
- Go to S3 Service
- Click button Create Bucket
- In the bucket name fill DNS-compliant bucket name
- Choose region, please note that the region must be same with Elastic Transcoder Service
- Click next for configuring logging options
- Click next for set permissions
- Uncheck “Block public access” section
- Click next for review
- Click Create Bucket for start bucket creation
Attach Policy #
- Login to AWS Console
- Go to S3 Service
- Click bucket name in your list bucket
- Click permissions tab
- Click bucket policy
- Click policy Generator
- In policy type, choose S3 Bucket Policy
- In principal field, fill ARN of your selected user (you can get User ARN in Amazon AWS IAM dashboard)
- In actions, check these options:
- PutObject
- PutObjectAcl
- GetObject
- Fill resource with ARn of your S3 bucket
- Click add statement
- Click Generate Policy
- Copy paste the policy to your Bucket Policy
Configuring AWS Elastic Transcoder Pipeline #
Create Pipeline #
- Login to AWS Console
- Go to Elastic Transcoder Service
- Chose the same region of your S3 bucket in navbar
- Click Create a new Pipeline button
- Fill pipeline name
- Fill input bucket with your newly created bucket
- In the Configuration for Amazon S3 Bucket for Transcoded Files and Playlists, fill bucket and select storage class “Reduce Redundancy”. Then Click Add permission:
- Grantee Type : Amazon S3 Group
- Grantee : All User
- Access : Open/Download and View Permission
- In the Configuration for Amazon S3 Bucket for Thumbnails, fill bucket and select storage class “Reduce Redundancy”. Then Click Add permission:
- Grantee Type : Amazon S3 Group
- Grantee : All User
- Access : Open/Download and View Permission
- Choose notification type : Optional
- Choose encryption
- Click “Save”
Create Preset #
- Login to AWS Console
- Go To Elastic Transcoder Service
- Choose the same region of your S3 bucket in navbar
- Click Preset on your left sidebar
- Click Create New Preset Button
- If you’d like to start with predefine AWS Preset, you can choose it in Start With preset Section and choose your prefered configurations, for example I choose “System Preset: Generic 1080p”
- Then I rename it to “System Preset: Generic 1080p – Finale” in the name field
- Fill description
- Chose mp4 in container
- For the rest configuration we used default configuration, except for the Watermark and Thumbnails sections
- I have removed all of watermark configuration since I don’t need this for now
- I change the interval value in thumbnail section to 999999, in order to create only one thumbnail for every converted video
- Review and Create Preset Button if the configurations is looks great
Configuring PeepSo Videos #
- Login to your WordPress Backend
- Go To PeepSo -> Configurations -> Audio & Video
- Enable Video Upload
- Enable AWS Elastic transcoder Integration
- Fill Amazon Access Key ID and Amazon Secret Access Key from your IAM Role
- Choose AWS Region where S3 Bucket and Elastic Transcoder Pipeline Created
- Fill Bucket name
- Fill Elastic Transcoder Pipeline ID
- Fill Elastic Transcoder Preset ID
- Check “Don’t keep a local copy of uploaded files” if you don’t want to keep original file video in S3
- Click Save