Where To Start? #
Check out our Hello World! plugin. This example plugin highlights several most important hooks and actions necessary to successfully “plug into” PeepSo. Please don’t download and install it if you are not a programmer, it’s a resource for experienced engineers!
Documentation #
You can access the hooks (actions & filters) documentation from the panel on the left. Unfortunately, documenting our hooks has never been extremely high on our priority list, given little time left between day-to-day development and end-user documentation and support. We do try to document anything that is asked often enough. More often than not, things can be figured out by reading our source code. Frankly, if you ask us a question, that’s what we will do – because nobody remembers every line of PeepSo code by heart.
Success stories #
Despite being a relatively young project, PeepSo already attracted the attention of some third party developers. We maintain a list of all known third-party software and hope to see you there someday!
Thank you #
Thanks for choosing (or considering) PeepSo for your next project.

Live long and prosper,
Matt Jaworski
Founder & CTO