Note: this is the custom code change and as such is not officially supported by PeepSo team. You should create the full backup of your site before applying custom codes.
To add PeepSo UserBar widget anywhere in your template files, use WordPress function called the_widget
the_widget( 'PeepSoWidgetUserBar', "show_avatar=1&show_notifications=1&content_position=right" );
This specific code above render the widget with Avatar and Notifications, aligned to the right side.
Available options for this widget are:
- guest_behavior= (hide / login) -Show/hide widget login link for guests
- content_position= (left / right / center / space) -Align widget content
- show_avatar=1 – Show user avatar
- show_name=1 – Show user name
- show_usermenu=1 – Show User Dropdown menu
- show_notifications=1 – Show notifications
- show_logout=1 – Show logout icon next to the notifications
- show_vip=1 – Show VIP icons
- show_badges=1 – Show Badges from BadgeOS integration
Every option has to be separated with “&”.
Here is the example with more options enabled:
the_widget( 'PeepSoWidgetUserBar', "guest_behavior=hide&show_avatar=1&show_notifications=1&show_name=1&content_position=left&logout=1" );