Changelog 2023


December 29, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Fix the license check issue

No changes

December 20, 2023

  • [Groups] Popular Group Posts widget
  • [WP Adverts] Remove expired activity stream items related to expired ads
  • [Videos] Reduce flickering on activity stream when video is being played for the first time
  • [PeepSo] Fix PHP 8.3 deprecation warnings and notices
  • [Multi] Fix the issue with email digest and WP Events Manager
  • Groups widget style support

December 13, 2023

  • Fix for vulnerability issue

No changes

November 28, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Full compatibility with PHP 8.3
  • [Woo] Compatibility with Woo 8.3.0
  • [PeepSo] Fix possible XSS issue on the installer page

No changes

November 15, 2023

  • [Photos] Query improvement for community photos widget
  • [PeepSo] Query improvement for user search
  • [Videos] Add ability to search video title
  • [Email Digest] Query improvements
  • [PeepSo] Fix the issue with link previews in comments
  • [WooCommerce] Fix the issue with “High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)”

No changes

October 25, 2023

  • [AdvancedAds] Enable all HTML tags – Useful for ad tracking
  • [WooCommerce] Raise compatibility to WooCommerce 8.2.0
  • [Multi][Migrators] More migrator improvements
  • [WooCommerce] Activity post won’t load if order data is deleted

No changes

October 11, 2023

  • [PMP] Improve overall Paid Memberships Pro Integration
  • [Woocommerce] Support for version 8.1.0
  • [Groups] Users should not be able to see add button for groups on other user profile page
  • [WooCommerce] Fix the notice with Dokan activation
  • [Ultimate Member] Can’t load Ultimate member migrator in some cases
  • [Buddypress] Migrated avatars should show properly

No changes

September 27, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Improved compatibility with some of the most popular themes
  • [PeepSo] Update user agent data in embed.php to the latest version
  • [PeepSo] Fix the XSS vulnerability
  • [Friends] Can’t translate “Posts from your friends” line
  • Configuration option to prevent OG tags from being added when using Yoast SEO

September 13, 2023

  • [Groups] Add a new option to disable members tab in groups
  • [PeepSo] Add magnifying glass icon to the search bar
  • [PeepSo] Email block list shouldn’t be case sensitive
  • [WooCommerce] Fix for the error on order subscription page

No changes.

August 31, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Aggressive mode for “Use PeepSo Names Everywhere”
  • [WooCommerce] Add PHP filter to query so admin can exclude taxonomies
  • [User Limits] Hide message and URL if “show role based” is disabled
  • [Multi] Not able to edit Event with WP Events Manager when TutorLMS is activated
  • [Multi] Fix issues with post straight to group
  • [Almighty Support] New default slug, icon and label
  • [Photos] Fix the issue with left and right arrow keys
  • [Videos] Fix autoplay on NSFW videos

No changes.

AUGUST 15, 2023

  • [Almighty Support] PeepSo Integration with Almighty Support
  • WordPress 6.3 compatibility
  • [Woo] WooCommerce 8.0 compatibility
  • [User Limits] Improve usability of the plugin
  • [MyCRED] Hide history page from display unless you’re the profile owner
  • [SLAI] Add compatibility with Two Factor Authentication plugin to skip verification when login using Social Login
  • [PeepSo] Add better code control over Mail Queue internal variables
  • [PeepSo] Fix for CSRF vulnerability which allowed deleting posts
  • [PeepSo] Fix “ban until” feature
  • [PeepSo] Minor CSS fixes
  • [WP Job Manager] Fix issue with making posts while integration is disabled
  • Small cosmetic changes with calendar navigation

July 19, 2023

  • [Multi] Improve posting photos directly to group
  • [Multi] License for some plugins are not added automatically after being installed trough installer
  • [Blog] Hide if empty should not apply to profile owner when user submissions are enabled
  • [PeepSo] Invalid timestamp on scheduled posts
  • [PeepSo] Posting a simple number 0 in activity stream throws an error

No changes.

July 5, 2023

  • [Woo] Increase compatibility to WooCommerce 7.8.0
  • [PeepSo] Can’t upload webp images as cover
  • [WP Adverts] Empty price doesn’t work
  • [WP Event Manager] Fix broken styling
  • Add dimensions setting to Gutenberg blocks
  • Remove search feature from landing page
  • Fix the Landing page footer menu on small screens

June 21, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Improve location map selector
  • [PeepSo] Profile fields should have unique slugs
  • [TutorLMS] Add link to Tutor Dasboard page
  • [PeepSo] Fix action buttons on activity stream not showing in some scenarios
  • [PeepSo] Overlapping copy icon with comment dropdown on mobile view

No changes.

June 7, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Hide all comment buttons when not in focus
  • [PeepSo] Add Hashtag breadcrumbs above the stream
  • [PeepSo] Userbar widget now use avatar as a dropdown toggle
  • [Photos] Add the button to clear AWS error history
  • [WooCommerce] Change number of products per row
  • [PeepSo] Notifications disappear in Google Chrome browser
  • [PeepSp] SVG icons for VIP can be very big in notifications
  • [Migrators] Can’t edit phone field after migration
  • Fix the Gecko Page Options on WooCommerce pages

MAY 24, 2023

  • [Woo] Raise compatibility with WooCommerce 7.7.0
  • [PeepSo] Code improvements for stability
  • [PeepSo] Automatic posts created by third-party integrations should not be editable
  • [Multiple addons] Resolve conflict between WP Adverts and WooCommerce payment plugins
  • New Preset: Lime Green
  • New setting for menu icons in Sidenav
  • New setting for hashtags color in postbox

MAY 10, 2023

  • [WOO] Official support for version 7.6.0
  • [GIVEWP] Remove remaining BETA versioning
  • [PeepSo] Add nonce check for duplicate fields.
  • [PeepSo] Fix the lightbox position on RTL sites
  • [PeepSo] Fix avatars and covers if stored on Amazon S3
  • [EMAIL DIGEST] Can’t translate notifications
  • [WP Job Manager] Missing preview when reposting a job post
  • [WPADVERTS] Categories are not working properly

No changes.

April 26, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Update usage feedback details
  • [Chat] Remove pin option from messages
  • [PeepSo] Grammar fixes
  • [PeepSo] Remove Google Bookmarks as it is not supported by Google
  • [Groups] Fix stream issues with non-alphanumeric names
  • [WPAdverts] Don’t create the stream item when ad is saved as draft
  • [WP Event Manager] Remove expired event activities
  • Improve buttons in WPForo

April 12, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Can’t post emoji if using General charsets
  • [PeepSo] Fix wrong unique view count
  • [Chat] Remove pin option from messages

No changes.

April 5, 2023

  • [PeepSo] WordPress 6.2 compatibility
  • [WooCommerce] Compatibility with version 7.5.0
  • [Groups] Sorting by members count does not work properly
  • [BadgeOS] Badges are awarded for all PMP membership levels
  • Improve sub-menus on mobile view
  • Fix errors on WooCommerce product categories page

MARCH 29, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Fix issue with email being visible when generating usernames automatically
  • Improve dark preset with WPAdverts
  • Fix breadcrumbs visibility with YoastSEO plugin

MARCH 22, 2023

  • [IdeaPush] Stable Release
  • [PeepSo] Improve buttons on group settings page
  • [PeepSo] Fix captcha response
  • [Groups] Update query to prevent duplicate results in sorting by members count
  • [Customizer] Global setting for full width header
  • [Customizer] New option to add static/fixed background
  • [Customizer] Improved options navigation
  • Fix the issue with Dokan in dark preset

MARCH 08, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Add filters to control allowed username length
  • [PeepSo] Show character limit counter on comments
  • [PMP] Redirect “Join group” to membership level
  • [WooCommerce] Increase compatibility to version 7.4.0
  • [IdeaPush] General styling improvements
  • [PeepSo] Comments not showing in mobile Safari if content blockers are enabled
  • [PeepSo] Websites logout issue on mobile browsers
  • [PeepSo] Fix browser cache redirection
  • [PeepSo] Tweak widgets alignment
  • [IdeaPush] Modifying date in admin should move the PeepSo post too
  • [GiveWP] Fix incorrect texts in backend configuration
  • [WP Job Manager] Can’t access create new job form on fresh install
  • [Customizer] Option to hide sidebars on desktop screens
  • Added missing placeholders on WooCommerce checkout block
  • Fix WP Event Manager white blocks with Gecko Dark presets
  • Dokan tags select on frontend were not aligned properly

February 22, 2023

  • [GiveWP] GiveWP Integration
  • [Security] Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • [WP Job Manager] Configurable profile label slug and icon
  • [WP Job Manager] Add User Limits configuration for “create a new job”
  • [PeepSo] Add extra handling for PeepSoPhotosModel to prevent errors
  • [PeepSo] Fix errors when trying to make friend connections in backend
  • [PeepSo] Unable to upload image in USP Pro
  • [Photos] Fix ordering on activity stream
  • [IdeaPush] Profile voted page still showing unvoted ideas
  • [IdeaPush] Incorrect comment count information
  • [IdeaPush] Warning on PeepSo comment integration when viewed as a guest
  • [IdeaPush] Misaligned icons/filters
  • [IdeaPush] Empty profile slug/label stays empty in some cases due to not checking option length
  • [SLAI] Woo product data not showing on edit product when SLAI is activated
  • [Blog] Removed layout switch effect on mobile view when Blog Grid is enabled

February 08, 2023

  • [IdeaPush] IdeaPush integration
  • [PeepSo] Improved icons for pinned post options
  • [Videos] Autoplay videos when fully visible
  • [Early Access] Tab ordering in profile improvements
  • [WooCommerce] Raise declared support for WooCommerce version 7.3.0
  • [PeepSo] Fix the issue with link encoding when Recent activity is set as a home page
  • [PeepSo] Fix the php warnings when blocked domain is empty
  • [Dokan] Missing credit card input on Profile > Checkout when using Dokan Stripe connect
  • [WooCommerce] Products tab should not be the first item in the list
  • [EDD] Can’t view detail order on PeepSo profile
  • Show Caption for Featured Image
  • New widget position: Slider
  • Option to hide edit page links
  • Improve Job Listings widget

JANUARY 25, 2023

  • [Friends] Friends activity stream filter
  • [Photos] Fix the typo that cause Fatal error
  • [PeepSo] Standardize the icon color in installer
  • Show Pages edit link on frontend
  • Social icons are not displaying properly in block widget

JANUARY 18, 2023

  • [PeepSo] Pin Posts until selected date
  • [PeepSo] Ability to pin a stream post when publishing or scheduling
  • [Groups] Allow scheduled posts in groups
  • [PeepSo] Notify user when their scheduled post goes live
  • [PeepSo] Allow all users to disable comments on their posts
  • [WPJM] WP Job Manager Integration
  • [NSFW] Decouple NSFW out of the Early Access
  • [PeepSo] “Other notifications” preference improvements
  • [PeepSo] Let user opt-out from brute force emails
  • [PeepSo] Reorganize Blog Posts config
  • [PeepSo] Improve sorting in Country field to support foreign characters
  • [PeepSo] Shorten the display of total views count in profile details
  • [PeepSo] Improve handling of cookies
  • [PeepSo] Fix duplicated cron for GDPR Export
  • [Email Digest] move Email Digest from Preferences to User Profile -> Notifications
  • [File Uploads] Show checkmark for completed file upload in postbox
  • [File Uploads] Remove arbitrary limits in backend configuration
  • [Geo My WP] Add hooks for Geo My WP
  • Raise recommended PHP version
  • [PeepSo] Fix the notice on PeepSo Login Widget when using Elementor
  • [Photos] Fix missing photos in messages attachment
  • [Photos] Fix conflict with Tutor Pro LMS plugin
  • [Groups] Fix Missing group avatar/cover in the activity stream
  • [WP Event Manager] Cannot search event in Profile -> Event -> Manage
  • Admin can exclude post types from guest redirect setting
  • [Landing] Added “landing” widget position – allows to replace default login form
  • Improved the WooCommerce cart dropdown
  • [Landing] Improved form, footer and widgets style in landing colums
  • [Landing] Default landing background image was removed
  • “Edit button” for post/page on front-end was not visible when page title is disabled

JANUARY 11, 2023

  • [WPAdverts] Integrate “Mark As Sold” WpAdverts add-on
  • [PeepSo] Timestamp for uploaded cover photos show Linux Epoch date when stream updates are disabled
  • [Audio] Uploaded media CSS improvements in stream
  • [File Uploads] Trim file names in comments
  • [Chat] Fix some text override issues

No changes.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress