Changelog 2020

Changelog – 2020

december 21, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Early Access: Generate “name based avatars” from user initials
  • [Photos] Notifications leading to lightboxes should open the comment context automatically
  • [Photos] Show a small thumbnail when looking at photo comments in a lightbox on mobile
  • Photo lightbox improvements

december 9, 2020

  • [WP] WordPress 5.6 compatibility
  • [WOO] WooCommerce 4.8.0 compatibility
  • [PHP] Limited PHP 8 compatibility (Foundation, Core, Extras)
  • [SocialLogin] Social Login & Invitations is now stable (no longer in Early Access)
  • [SocialLogin] Login with Discord
  • [Photos] Notifications related to photo(s) / comments / replies (and the likes/reactions on them) now open a related photo in lightbox instead of the generic post view
  • [PeepSo] Improve hover behavior on iOS to avoid unnecessary double taps
  • [Chat] Improve link highlighting
  • [PeepSo] When permalinks are disabled PeepSo refuses to activate but there is no message
  • [PeepSo] Reposition cover issues in Firefox
  • [PeepSo] Comments layout breaks if long text with no whitespace is present
  • [Chat/Photos] S3 photos are now deleted with messages they were sent in
  • [Giphy] Wrong language domain string
  • Customizer: Hide header & footer options for Search page
  • Customizer: Add text color options
  • Add search icon to mobile view
  • Gecko page options from other pages affect search result page
  • The image on the landing page might not be fully visible on mobile devices
  • Full cover avatar position might be out of viewport on narrow desktop screens

november 30, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Stream post actions mobile responsiveness
  • [PeepSo] “Join” button with a long label mobile responsiveness
  • [PeepSo] Links and buttons on redirect pages mobile responsiveness
  • [PeepSo] Social sharing improvements
  • [PeepSo] No whitespace on “Edit All” button
  • [PeepSo] SVG Icon sizes in Dashboard
  • [PeepSo] Custom Reactions SVG icons are too big
  • [PeepSo] Landing page image does not fit in the area above the login window
  • [PeepSo] CSS transition causes avatar area to “blink” in Safari
  • [PHOTOS/MEDIA] Option to delete albums / photos / videos not showing in mobile view.
  • [GROUPS] Very long group description without whitespace causes the text to stick out of content
  • Navigating inside Customizer should respect the selected preset

november 25, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Let admin display Following and Saved in PeepSo navigation
  • [EarlyAccess] Experimental fast queries
  • [PeepSo] Users should be able to open other user profile/group Avatar in lightbox
  • [PeepSo] Align the menu icons in profile widget to the center
  • [PeepSo] Cannot reposition profile cover on mobile
  • [PeepSo] Profile cover wont load on some android devices
  • [PeepSo] Profile Widget PHP notice
  • [PeepSo] Missing styles on multiple select fields
  • [LIMITS] Group owners can’t see pending members hidden by UserLimits
  • LearnDash styles
  • Customizer preview should use the same http(s) protocol as parent frame
  • Landing page login button alignment
  • Mobile site logo hiding not working

november 16, 2020

  • [PEEPSO] Trigger view count when activity enters the viewport partially
  • [PEEPSO] Profile widget is showing on custom album page when it should not.
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo User Bar does not react to a change of position in the widget settings
  • [PeepSo] Tolltip & menu layering / z-index issues in profile header
  • [CHAT] GIPHY/image attachment icon is not clickable in Chat
  • [LEARNDASH] Profile / courses two column layout does not work
  • [GROUPS] Changing group avatar/cover does not work with peepso_groups set as frontpage
  • [PHOTOS] Album sorting has no effect
  • [PHOTOS] Lightbox is sorted in reverse in relation to album related stream post
  • [WOO] Extra big image size and missing input field on payment section (Stripe Payment Options)
  • CUSTOMIZER: Custom body class per-preset
  • Add CSS class to body tag based on current preset
  • CUSTOMIZER: Shadows for main elements / widgets.
  • CUSTOMIZER: option to hide all sidebars on mobile
  • CUSTOMIZER: Search results page options – Stage 1 (sidebars on/off)
  • Improve dark styling on WooCommerce Cart
  • Improve dark styling on WPAdverts / Create page
  • Layout breaks if search result contains pages that hide sidebars
  • Messy header menu when using the PMP Nav Menus Add-On
  • Customizer not affecting the Landing picture button
  • Customizer : Global border radius not affecting User Bar widget on header
  • Broken album layout after hiding sidebars on Profile page

november 11, 2020

  • [CHAT] Overlapping postbox dropdown-menu (on mobile)
  • Widget gradient setting shouldn’t affect friend requests
  • Postbox dropdown menu overlaps with sidebar

november 9, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Cache Busting
  • [PeepSo] Add cover images to member list (similar to group lists)
  • [PeepSo] Let admin hide profile view counts
  • [PeepSo] Disable postbox before page finishes loading
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo registration should be enabled by default on fresh install
  • [PeepSo] Open profile Avatar & Cover in lightbox
  • [PeepSo] Don’t use WP_Query to detect core profile fields
  • [MULTI] Don’t show banned users in widgets
  • [PeepSo] Profile widget is showing on custom album page when it should not
  • [PeepSo] Missing “reposition cover” option
  • [PeepSo] The “load more” button does not work on the members page
  • [PeepSo] Profile cover image look weird on mobile/tablet
  • [PeepSo] Empty “Terms and Conditions” and “Privacy Policy” in Microsoft Edge
  • [PeepSo] Mobile: comments click to copy icon issues
  • [PeepSo] Wrong VIP icon position on mentions username in the comment section
  • [PeepSo] Overlapping dropdown menu on profile page
  • [CHAT] Mobile: overlapping postbox dropdown-menu
  • [CHAT/PHOTOS] Photos shared in chat show to the sender and receiver in photos widget
  • [CHAT/GIPHY] User avatar overlaps the Giphy plugin on the chat window
  • [CHAT/GIPHY] GIPHY list not closing when minimized the chat windows
  • [Friends] Wrong data type printing under own avatar in friend lists
  • [GROUPS] Mobile: overlapping group action dropdown-menu in the group item
  • [PHOTOS] Mobile: picture preview thumbnail in the comment section covers the post button
  • [COMPAT] Yoast SEO compatibility
  • [WPAds] Broken styled on Listing Information section
  • CUSTOMIZER: Control blog/single posts image height
  • Blog post Featured image is to wide when not using “Show sidebars on Blog Posts” options
  • Redirect exceptions not working with the designated Blog page

november 3, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Automatically resend activation e-mail
  • [PeepSo] Animated online dot
  • [GROUPS] Allow MarkDown in Group descriptions
  • [EarlyAccess] Social Login
  • [PeepSo] Improved cover image loading
  • [PeepSo] Spacing, alignment and layering improvements
  • [PeepSo] Grammar & spelliing improvements
  • [PeepSo] “Mark as read” is too small on mobile
  • [BADGEOS] profile badges style improvements
  • [MYCRED] Improve integraton with MyCred Badges
  • [MYCRED] Aligned Points history table header to the left
  • [MYCRED] PeepSo should not ignore the default point type name, if it’s not “points”
  • [PeepSo] Unable to finalize avatar crop/re-crop
  • [PeepSo] Phased out color schemes don’t migrate gracefully from 2.x to 3.x
  • [PeepSo] UserBar widget config shows VIP and Badges even if the related plugins are inactive
  • [PeepSo] PHP Notice on WordPress import page
  • [PeepSo] Profile cover image rendering issues on mobile/tablet
  • [PEEPSO] Caching race condition for a widget published multiple times
  • [CHAT] linebreaks issues
  • [CHAT] Mac/Safari rendering issues for minimized chat windows
  • [GROUPS] Groups Album ‘Add Photo’ button not appearing
  • [GROUPS] 404 status header on Group subpagesGECKO
  • Issues upgrading Gecko as first during 2.x to 3.x migration
  • Gecko Customzer Options for Footer Background and Text Color
  • Wrong homepage link on Logo for mobile
  • Landing page shoould follow the color scheme
  • CUSTOMIZER: PeepSo navbar settings
  • CUSTOMIZER: Options for Footer Background and Text Color
  • Issues upgrading Gecko as first during 2.x to 3.x migration
  • Wrong homepage link on Logo for mobile
  • Landing page shoould follow the color scheme

october 29, 2020

  • [EarlyAccess] Cache busting
  • [CHAT] Improve the chat view with multiple photos

No changes.

october 26, 2020

  • PeepSo] Remove redundant avatar shape configuration
  • [WOO] General and Product Vendors specific config improvements
  • [PeepSo] Improve notifications CSS
  • [PeepSo] License field should only accept a-z0-9
  • [EarlyAccess] Improve version lock
  • [EDD] Improve billing details CSS
  • [MyCred] Improve points history CSS
  • [PeepSo] UserBar widget out of viewport on mobile when placed in the top widget area
  • [PeepSo] Loading indicator GIFs not disappearing
  • [PeepSo] Online members widget might show a PHP notice
  • [EarlyAccess] Web Push: Posting a photo to a group with many members crashes the process
  • [PHOTOS] Photo modal might show a PHP notice
  • [CHAT] People blocked by UserLimits can sometimes use “New Message” button
  • Customizer: Rounded corners setting
  • Customizer: Default widget colors
  • Customizer: Default Gradient widget colors
  • Recipient selector is still white in dark mode
  • Avatar selector using wrong range
  • Improved submenus in header

october 19, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Print bot friendly post summary in single post views
  • [PeepSo] more choices for the ENI
  • [PeepSo] User name in Profile Widget needs to be a profile link
  • [PeepSo] Move the comments copy/chain link to the right
  • [PeepSo] Privacy dropdown not closing when clicking the icon again
  • [Groups] (x pending) in group header does not need the parentheses
  • [Groups] Add some padding to “joined a group” post title
  • [EarlyAccess] Rename Browser Push to Web Push
  • [EarlyAccess] Web Push: broken link in “liked” notification
  • [Limits] Adding a gap under the debug text
  • [Groups] deleting group photo from album that has only 1 photo should delete the album
  • [WPAds] Double image on Classified Detail page when using Divi theme
  • [Groups] When visit Groups page as guest, group category doesn’t appear
  • [PeepSo] “Open links in new tab” not working
  • [PeepSo] changing e-mail intensity preferences does not update the interface properly
  • [PeepSo] user profile icon on mobile display nothing on click when viewing as Guest
  • [PeepSo] Z-index of tooltip online indicator are less than avatar member on Latest Members
  • [PeepSo] Text content look different on “Repost” post
  • [PeepSo] Buttons on Reply section of modal photo not align with the textarea
  • [PeepSo] Image on Link Previews look different
  • [AdvancedAds] Ads with content text also became centered after the latest update
  • [Limits] New Message still available in popover
  • [MyCred] paging on mycred point history unstyled

No changes.

october 19, 2020

  • Drop support for WordPress 4
  • Drop support for PHP 5
  • Use a new overrides directory name, so old overrides don’t apply
  • [PeepSo] Redesign & front-end refactoring
  • [PeepSo] Custom ephemeral storage to replace transients
  • [PeepSo] Reorganize & simplify available notifications
  • [PeepSo] Let admin define default notification settings for new users
  • [PeepSo] Email Notification Intensity
  • [PeepSo] Unique view counts
  • [GROUPS] Category pages / streams
  • [EDD] New plugin – PeepSo Monetization: EDD
  • [WOO] Product Vendors integration
  • [PeepSo] Infer embed image
  • [PeepSo] Admin setting to ignore new tab setting for links in the same domain
  • [PeepSo] Usage tracking: track amount of users, plugins and if videos are enabled
  • [PeepSo] Embed Debugger
  • [PeepSo] Profile widget visibility on profile page
  • [PeepSo] Let admin decide to redirect newly registered users back to the deep link they first visited
  • [PeepSo] Developer Tools
  • [PeepSo] PeepSoField API to enable registration-only fields
  • [EarlyAccess] Resend e-mail activation N times (Stable)
  • [EarlyAccess] Web Push (Beta)
  • [EarlyAccess] New Search (Alpha)
  • [PeepSo] Use the same window template for all the dialogs
  • [PeepSo] Hide the PeepSo character counter until needed
  • [PeepSo] Move system requirement warnings to Site Health
  • [PeepSo] Consistent “return” key behavior in posts and comments
  • [PeepSo] Remove SQL joins related to “activity hide” phased out in the past
  • [PHOTOS] Generate larger thumbs by default
  • [CHAT] Rename “Archive” to “Delete”
  • [MEDIA] Large uploads might fail to upload to S3
  • [PeepSo] Warnings in backend show to users who can’t do anything about it
  • [PeepSo] Search by gender not working properly if admin overrides the privacy
  • [GROUPS/PHOTOS] gifs become static when used in group
  • [COMPAT] Elementor Pro compatibility fixes
  • [COMPAT] PMP compatibility fixes
  • [COMPAT] Visual Composer compatibility fixes
  • [COMPAT] Widgets Control Pro compatibility fixes
  • [COMPAT] compatibility fixes
  • [COMPAT] Yoast SEO compatibility fixes
  • New Gecko Customizer
  • Redesign & front-end refactoring
  • Multiple custom presets
  • Let admin enable front-end user preset selection
  • New sidebar calculation logic
  • Option to limit word of full content on Blog page
  • Option to remove side paddings on Community pages
  • Convert footer copyrights to two lines of text

october 5, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Native PeepSo Elementor Pro compatibility class clashes with with Visual Composer
  • [PeepSo] PHP notices due to missing objects while editing pages with visual builders
  • [LIMITS] PHP notices due to missing objects while editing pages with visual builders
  • [PMP/VIP] Automatic VIP icon assignment by PMP integration fails if user changing role / level has no previous icons
  • Automatically exclude the Privacy Policy page from forced guest redirect
  • Let admin define pages excluded from the forced page redirect

september 29, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Modify PeepSo API autoloader to gracefully handle situationos when a third party file without a matching class name is added
  • [GROUPS] Fix issues with pending members when Groups shortcode is the WP frontpage

No changes.

september 22, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Disable WP Auto Updates
  • [WOO] WooCommerce 4.5.2 compatibility
  • [PHOTOS] GIFs stop animating when added to Group post
  • [PHOTOS] Photos might appear out of order if a smaller file later in queue is processed before a bigger file earlier in queue

No changes.

september 16, 2020

  • [WOOCOMMERCE] WC compatibility raised to 4.5
  • [MEDIA] Improve S3 integration with large files
  • [PeepSo] Major issues with third party WP_Query caching (Advanced Post Cache) breaking our queries and leading to data loss
  • [PeepSo] Datepicker JS conflict with other plugins

No changes.

september 8, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Search by gender broken if admin disables field privacy
  • [PeepSo] Latest Elementor breaks PeepSo feed
  • [PMP] Latest PMP breaks PeepSo registration
  • [MEDIA] JReviews S2Framework breaks PeepSo S3 implementation

No changes.

AUgust 26, 2020

  • [PeepSo] JQuery 3 compatibility
  • [PeepSo] Use the latest EDD updater class
  • [WOO] WooCommerce 4.4 compatibility
  • [PeepSo] Password reset caching issues with
  • [PeepSo] Use https for all social sharing
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo hijacks short child page URLs
  • [PeepSo] Profile likes preference not saving
  • [LIMITS] Chat limits not applying to the messages page

No changes.

AUgust 12, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Password reset caching issues with
  • [PeepSo] Registration page does not save if PeepSo Registration is disabled
  • [LIMITS] Users who are not allowed to post are also accidentally barred from sending messages

No changes.

july 21, 2020

  • [PeepSo] New display name logic interferes with get_first_name()
  • [PeepSo] Improve UX for the front-end display name style picker

No changes.

july 13, 2020

  • [PMP] Let admin decide to remove users from PMP controlled groups when they exit a membership level for some reason
  • [GROUPS] “Load more” in the invite dialog
  • [PeepSo] Latest Members widget ignores User Limits rules
  • [PMP] Session handling in PMP interferes with some Social Login plugins
  • [WOOCOMMERCE] Discount code button in profile checkout not working under WC 4.3.0

No changes.

july 6, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Use a four-section version number with soft version lock on the fourth number
  • [PeepSo] New display name styles
  • [PeepSo] Let admin hide the PeepSo 3 nag permanently
  • [PeepSo] Let admin define a brute force delay for password reset
  • [PMP] Users auto-added to groups are not followers until visiting the group, leading to missing content on the “following” stream

No changes.

june 22, 2020

  • [PeepSo] let admin define even smaller maximum post length
  • [PeepSo] MailPoet and other SMTP / mail sending solutions compatibility
  • [PeepSo] Language improvements (English)
  • [PeepSo] Centralize the IP obtaining logic in Brute Force Protection
  • [PeepSo] ActivityRanking does not count Reactions
  • [CHAT] New Message button should be present even if the Friends plugin is not active
  • [GROUPS] The group member listing should not honor the “don’t show members until searched” setting
  • [PMP] Session handling raises issues with Site Health
  • Improve invalid license feedback

june 15, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Registration sometimes fails to redirect to a success page
  • [PeepSo] Registration page sometimes fails to redirect to HTTPS if “force SSL” is enabled

No changes.

june 8, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Prevent Yoast SEO from overwriting PeepSo Open Graph
  • [PeepSo] Warn admins about upcoming breaking changes in PeepSo 3
  • [PeepSo] Improve count logic in the Online Members widget
  • [PeepSo] Load more members per batch when sorting by last activity date, to avoid a race condition leading to members being shown more than once
  • [PeepSo] Don’t override the 404 header if the page is not a PeepSo shortcode

No changes.

June 2, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Hashtags + BlogPosts integration now works with Categories
  • [PeepSo] Let admin decite the tags/categories integration to be enabled when creating a post
  • [PeepSo] Update the cropping library to improve mobile UX
  • [FRIENDS] Mutual Friends widget should work in every position
  • [WP] PeepSo AJAX failing under WordPress 5.5
  • Rename static header to sticky header

may 18, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Blogposts and Hashtags integration
  • [PeepSo] Blogposts PeepSo Excerpt feature
  • [PeepSo] Caching solutions compatibility
  • [MEDIA] Let admin mute tech requirement checks
  • [PHOTOS] Conflict with s2framework

No changes.

may 4, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Filter to control oEmbed discovery
  • [PeepSo] Let admin disable nonce security to improve login behavior in highly cached environments
  • [PeepSo] Do not send notifications about mentions in scheduled posts
  • [PeepSo] Use aria-label instead of title in Reactions
  • [PeepSo] Warn the user they will be signed out if they change their username or password
  • [GROUPS] Database warning on activation

No changes.

APRIL 8, 2020

  • PeepSo] Additional flag to block third parties from moving the first name with peepso_get_name_parts
  • [PeepSo] Final improvements of the opt-in statistics engine
  • PeepSo] Fix issues with 2.7.5 update not creating the peepso_activity_count database table

No changes.

APRIL 15, 2020

No changes.

  • No mobile menu on landing page

APRIL 8, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Embeds: option to hide the URL if post contains no other text and preview is present
  • [PeepSo] Embeds: let admin decide to fall back to other fetch methods if the oEmbed result has no image
  • [PeepSo] Embeds: pass browser headers when fetching
  • [PeepSo] Embeds: fall back to Open Graph headers
  • [PeepSo] Embeds: editing posts should use the same embedding engine as writing posts
  • [PeepSo] Embeds: comments should use the same embed engine as posts
  • [PeepSo] Embeds: new default “no image” icon & styling
  • [PeepSo] Opt-in tracking
  • [PeepSo] Let admin turn on (non unique) post view counter
  • [PeepSo] Admin option to hide http(s):// from links
  • [PeepSo] Let admin enable / disable MarkDown headers
  • [PeepSo] Skip e-mail verification and admin verification for third party registrations
  • [PeepSo] Don’t scroll to top after repost
  • [PeepSo] Periodical refresh of Human Readable Previews
  • [PeepSo] Use even numbers in “repeat read more every X” to improve the layout
  • [PeepSo] Licensing engine improvements for Bundle subscribers with nearly-expired keys
  • [PeepSo] Phase out single plugin purchases
  • [GROUPS] Don’t show unpublished groups in the front-end
  • [PeepSo] Passwords wit the & character not saving
  • [PeepSo] Spaces in usernames should be forbidden also when changing the username
  • [MYCRED] MyCred value changes when liking another profile
  • [PHOTOS] Duplicate warning when deleting photo from modal
  • [PHOTOS] Location is removed when album description is changed
  • Improved “hide sidebars” option on WooCommerce pages
  • Mobile menu links were broken on Blog Posts creation
  • Body tag on Customizer description caused visual issues

We are in process of implementing our new Theme Customizer. This may affect amount of improvements in regular updates.

March, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Admin option to hide http(s):// from links
  • [PeepSo] Admin option to define a custom “date with no year” format
  • [PeepSo] Add “currently online” total count to “online members” widget
  • [PeepSo] Admin can now delete the failed login attempts log
  • [PeepSo] Dev filter to modify the user display name parts
  • [GROUPS] Let Managers see the list of invited users
  • [MEDIA] Admin option to attempt inline video behavior in iOS
  • [GROUPS] Album and photo moderation for Group Management
  • [PeepSo] Admin notifications section UX
  • [PeepSo] Always use echo __() insted of alternative shorthands like _e()
  • [PeepSo] Different embed results on the same content if one of the links contains an ampersand
  • [MEDIA] Admin option to pass additional ffmpeg flags
  • [VIP] Show icons in backend user listing
  • [WPADS] Admin option to disable cleanup scripts
  • [PeepSo] Passwords wit the & character not saving
  • [PeepSo] Compatibility with 3rd party Social Login solutions
  • [PeepSo] Can’t modify cover on preference sub-pages
  • [PeepSo] Load more button sometimes shows when there is nothing more to load
  • [PeepSo] Activity ranking is not counting views
  • [PeepSo] Instagram embed requires a reload after posting to show the image
  • [PeepSo] get_full_name() assumes wrong context when in AJAX
  • [PeepSo] peepso_user_activities_links should not cast numbers to int
  • [PeepSo] MarkDown links ignore the “new tab” setting
  • [CHAT] 1-on-1 conversations should always show the avatar of the counterpart
  • [MEDIA] Facebook API changes prevent thumbnails from loading

No changes.

FEBRUARY 19, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Raise recommended PHP version to 7.3
  • [GROUPS] Apply the “load more” button logic to group listings
  • [GROUPS] On-site notifications are now required for e-mail notifications
  • [PeepSo] Improve notification previews for Groups, Moods, Location, Photos and GIPHY
  • [PeepSo] Users should not be able to like their own profiles
  • [PeepSo] Untranslatable strings
  • [PeepSo] Add more options to “repeat load more button” setting
  • [WPADVERTS] 1.4 compatibility
  • [PeepSo] Social icons misaligned under login
  • [CHAT] Messages send the same e-mail notification twice
  • [GROUPS] Improve the layout of the backend listing
  • Image (og:image) of embeded Blog posts was too small
  • Dynamic default copyrights (footer) text

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

  • [PeepSo] On-site notification previews public beta
  • [PeepSo] Force on-site notifications to be enabled for related e-mail notifications
  • [PeepSo] Let admin decide to only display the domain name in links
  • [PeepSo] Reorganize links / embeds config
  • [PeepSo] Call to action (login / register) for guests in the comment are
  • [PeepSo] New notifications config tab, reorganize tabs
  • [GROUPS] New hooks for BBPress integration developers
  • [MYCRED] Points history page under profiles
  • [PeepSo] Improve typography in Profile Preferences
  • [PeepSo] Fix inconsistent peepso_after_login_form hook location
  • [PeepSo] Move E-mail Digest setting from Profile Notifications to Profile Preferences
  • [PeepSo] Let admin define “sharer” links to be exempt from “external link warning”
  • [WORDFILTER] Obfuscate the filtered keyword list in the page source
  • [PeepSo] Postbox icons overlapping in mobile view
  • [GROUPS] Photos don’t show if the uploader’s profile privacy is high
  • [GROUPS] Can’t find users to invite if their names are similar or identical
  • Gecko > Blog: Option to limit words on all posts (when no excerpt added)
  • Improved “scroll to top” button design
  • EDD: overrides messed up license renewal & discount code boxes

Starting next version we will slowly include a parts of a new re-designed Gecko theme. Have in mind that in the next versions we may remove current WordPress customizer options as we plan to make our own theme-customizer.

JaNUARY 20, 2020

  • [PeepSo] Some machine code still loads into OpenGraph tags
  • [PeepSo] Render the pop-up as a self-closing window
  • [PeepSo] Clicking the Social Share button should not change the browser URL
  • [PeepSo] Improve handling of cyrillic hashtags
  • [PeepSo] Configurable trim settings for notification previews (closed beta)
  • [PeepSo] Always reload the page when a post / comment timestamp is clicked
  • [FRIENDS] Improve search among users with similar or identical names
  • [MEDIA] Add fallback for cases where admin removed the Subscriber role
  • [WOOCOMMERCE] Payment box layout improvements
  • [PeepSo] Improve double quotes handling which breaks SQL queries under some exotic server setups
  • [PeepSo] AJAX prefix doubled in some URLs causes problems with some servers
  • [PeepSo] Profile URL conflict the with WooCommerce subscription plugin
  • [PeepSo] Report button not working on single blog page
  • [PeepSo] Facebook embeds run off viewport in mobile
  • [PeepSo] markdown code block goes off limits
  • [GROUPS] Widgets might cause customizer errors
  • [GROUPS] Group videos not showing because of the author’s profile privacy
  • [WOOCOMMERCE] Tabs missing when visiting
  • [FIX] Profile focus options overlapped by share icon & views
  • [FIX] Fixed duplicated PeepSo Navbar under profile pages
  • [FIX] Duplicated Profile focus area under photos/albums
  • [FIX] Redirection loop

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress