Changelog 2017

Changelog – 2017

DECEMBER 13, 2017

  • [CORE] User Account deletion.
  • [BadgeOS + PMP + groups] Assign badge based on membership level.
  • [PMP + VIP] Automatically assign VIP icon to membership level.
  • [CORE] Autohide notification popover after Mark-as-Read success.
  • [CORE] Admin “verbose” mode toggles.
  • [CORE] Preload notification dropdown on every counter value change.
  • [CORE] Redesign Profile/Group focus area on mobile.
  • [GROUPS] show “uncategorised” box at the bottom of the category list.
  • [GROUPS] Unify privacy dropdown styling in group creation modal.
  • [LIMITS] Move debug_formatted to a template file.
  • [MULTIPLE] Redirection when Click item message notification on profile widget.
  • [MULTIPLE] MySQL table indexes & cleanup.
  • [CORE] count characters on profile fields.
  • [CORE] repost stream on guest activity view.
  • [CORE] missing wordpress bar when peepso activated.
  • [CORE] Escaped chars in reporting spam reasons.
  • [PHOTOS] Post updates cover not displayed on Stream.
  • [FRIENDS] Missing avatar on list friends request.
  • [PROFILES] Wrong demographic data.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] empty data on blogposts page after infinite scroll.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Post title get cut.
  • [BadgeOS] Missing fallback if content_link empty.
  • [ED] Plugin doesn’t work using external cron and https.
  • [PMP] Session break after upgrading PMP.
  • [MULTIPLE] VIP icon not showing when adding users to group.
  • [MULTIPLE] userfirstname token replaced with username on registration email.

NOVEMBER 28, 2017

  • [CORE] New PeepSo color schemes. Red, Green and Blue.
  • [CORE] Stream filters accessibility & redesign
  • [FRIENDS] User Following.
  • [MULTIPLE] New Main Stream – Logic.
  • [MULTIPLE] New Main Stream – Filtering.
  • [MULTIPLE] Following filter on Members Page.
  • [CORE] WSL integration removed.
  • [CORE] Mailq error log.
  • [BADGEOS] Show badges on all subpages with big cover.
  • [AUTOFRIENDS] Make sure the follow fallback works.
  • [USERLIMITS] Show limitation under navbar.
  • [MULTIPLE] Clean up post filters.
  • [MULTIPLE] New Main Stream – remove stream tabs.
  • [MULTIPLE] Performance on activity stream with large groups.
  • [MULTIPLE] Newly registered user – empty profile tabs.
  • [CORE] Notice on PeepSo report page.
  • [CORE] Invalid unsub url
  • [CORE] Fix Hebrew translation.
  • [CORE] Notice in about page.
  • [CORE] Notification box z-index / background issue.
  • [CORE] Notification doesn’t take to specific comment.
  • [CORE] Admin can’t change user’s avatar.
  • [CORE] Infinite scroll stop loading data.
  • [CORE] Missing stream options to hide stream and block user.
  • [CORE] Likes count information is missing.
  • [CORE] Non-square (200×100) default avatar dimension.
  • [GROUPS] Count group categories doesn’t change after edit group.
  • [GROUPS] Closed privacy description issue.
  • [GROUPS] No content if only one pinned post.
  • [GROUPS] Search group not found message.
  • [GROUPS] Profile “no content yet” styling.
  • [WPADVERTS] Profile “no classifieds yet” styling.
  • [FRIENDS] Profile “no content yet” styling.
  • [REACTIONS] Missing tooltips over Reactions.
  • [REACTIONS] The query does not contain the correct number of placeholders.
  • [REACTIONS] My reaction doesnt load after reacting
  • [EP] Empty separator not removed.
  • [MULTIPLE] Invalid activity url when tag someone in post.
  • [MULTIPLE] “mentioned in a comment” notification leads to 404.

OCTOBER 24, 2017

  • [CORE] Show Unread Only in Notifications.
  • [GROUPS] Group Un/Follow Activity.
  • [GROUPS] Onsite Group Notifications when a new post is published.
  • [GROUPS] Unbanning users.
  • [GROUPS] User Roles Filtering.
  • [WPADVERTS] Add user real name to ads listing.
  • [MULTIPLE] Configurable avatar file dimensions and compression.
  • [CORE] Preferences page.
  • [CORE] Remove RTL options from Appearance > CSS Templates.
  • [CORE] SSL / mixed content.
  • [CORE] Improve connectivity check.
  • [CORE] MySQL warning when use MariaDB.
  • [GROUPS] Describe my group membership.
  • [GROUPS] Load passive actions on “self” if user can manage members.
  • [GROUPS] Ability to transfer ownership if there is no owner.
  • [GROUPS] Allow guest access to Groups listing.
  • [POLLS] Various improvements.
  • [GIPHY] Sizes used on search.
  • [MULTIPLE] Growing interest in reading PeepSo Changelog.
  • [CORE] 1970 post date issue with M/D/Y.
  • [CORE] Main-menu dropdown button is hidden on mobile view.
  • [CORE] Datepicker colors.
  • [CORE] Invalid unsubscribe url.
  • [CORE] Missing close tag on widget community photos.
  • [CORE] Latest members widget is not updated when there’s new member.
  • [FRIENDS] friend_request table is not generated on activation
  • [PHOTOS] Error in photo widget
  • [PHOTOS] Notice on stream album view modal photo.
  • [PHOTOS] Photos widget showing wrong images.
  • [PHOTOS] Album detail page privacy
  • [GROUPS] Can’t request to join a closed group.
  • [VIDEOS] Page doesn’t reload after delete video.
  • [POLLS] Submit vote button not enabled on single activity view.
  • [AUTOFRIENDS] Wrong queries on getting list community member.

OCTOBER 9, 2017

  • [CORE] Accessible-friendly date picker.
  • [CORE] Notifications: ‘Mark All as Read’.
  • [GROUPS] Group Ownership Transfer
  • [GROUPS] Group Moderators
  • [GROUPS] Banning users
  • [GROUPS] Settings – disable Join & Invite.
  • [GROUPS] Changing user roles – promoting / demoting.
  • [CORE] PeepSo Profile Widget Design improvements.
  • [CORE] Improve user name & online status on focus area
  • [CORE] PeepSo new password view instead of default WP one.
  • [CORE + GROUPS] Cover improvements.
  • [CORE] Improve comments on mobile view.
  • [VIDEOS] Unify video plugin scripts.
  • [MULTIPLE] Performance of loading members on members page.
  • [MULTIPLE] Disable forced redirects for users who are logged in.
  • [MULTIPLE] Licensing – set Monetization section for plugins’ license keys.
  • [CORE] Link on approved user email does not work.
  • [CORE] Someone commented on your `post` is a verb, not noun.
  • [CORE] Missing messages notification icon on wp toolbar.
  • [CORE] Comment notification link conflict with KLEO theme.
  • [CORE] User can’t reposition Cover.
  • [CORE] Mark as read shows “twice”.
  • [CORE] Notification number icon[1] missing on toolbar.
  • [PHOTO] Unable to delete empty album.
  • [GROUPS] Fix localization string.
  • [WORDFILTER] Accent character not filtered.
  • [REACTIONS] Icon disappeared on windows server hosting.
  • [REACTIONS] “liked” is not translated.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Translation issues.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Image position does not work.
  • [FRIENDS] WordPress database error on members list.
  • [ED] Wrong description.
  • [MULTIPLE] Email translation lost after update.

SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

  • [MULTIPLE] Compatibility with WordPress 4.8.2

SEPTEMBER 11, 2017

  • [CORE] New User Profile preferences.
  • [CORE] AJAX driven member widgets.
  • [CORE] Invisible Google ReCaptcha.
  • [PMP] User Profile Integration.
  • [BBP] Migrate bbPress content to PeepSo groups.
  • [GROUPS] Settings – disable join & invite.
  • [GIPHY] Giphy size setting in backend.
  • [CORE] Do not reload after deleting an activity.
  • [CORE] Merge About and Account.
  • [CORE] Alert admin about connectivity failures.
  • [CORE] ‘close’ nested comments replies design.
  • [CORE] Remove “delete profile”.
  • [CORE] Pinned post ribbon color.
  • [CORE] Validate “Maximum size of Post” option.
  • [CORE] Remove the notifications screen.
  • [CORE] Move the blocked members screen.
  • [PHOTOS] Album detail page privacy.
  • [GROUPS] Improve about screen – Stage 2
  • [VIP/GROUPS] Fire VIP-related actions in groupmembers.
  • [VIP/BLOG] Add VIP icon to the author box.
  • [BLOG] Author box in embeds.
  • [PMP] Group class checking.
  • [MYCRED] Error message when MyCred is not setup.
  • [CHAT] Better guest behavior.
  • [MULTIPLE] Icons in config tabs.
  • [MULTIPLE] AJAX improvements
  • [MULTIPLE] Improve PeepSo widgets so they’re not ULs.
  • [CORE] Some activities break infinite load.
  • [CORE] Notice in PeepSo Profile Widget.
  • [CORE] DIVI theme: WP Blog rendered in single activity at the bottom when SEF is enabled.
  • [CORE] Can’t change gender fields using checklist.
  • [CORE] Error notice on navbar menu.
  • [CORE] wrong link on most recent content comment dashboard.
  • [CORE] Shortcodes recover and reset.
  • [PMP] Clean up navigation backend config.
  • [FRIENDS] Typo in “friend accepted” email title.
  • [WPADVERTS] Wrong link navigation.
  • [PHOTOS] Showing photo on modal issues.
  • [PHOTOS] Unable to delete empty album.
  • [TAGS] Cannot post reply on a newly-created comment.
  • [GROUPS] Notice on group page.
  • [GROUPS] Notice on unpublished group.
  • [GROUPS] Wrong localization string.
  • [GIPHY] Notice in notifications.
  • [PMP] Missing `Membership` Menu.
  • [MIGRATOR] Fix unread count for messages.

AUGUST 21, 2017

  • [CORE] Configurable absolute dates
  • [CORE] Notifications manually mark as read one by one
  • [CORE] New navigation filters – unified navigation
  • [GROUPS] Secret Groups
  • [GROUPS] Change Group Privacy
  • [GROUPS] Group slug (URL) change
  • [WPADVERTS] Add classifieds navigation to PeepSo Profile widget Community section
  • [PMP] Automatic group membership depending on PMP membership
  • [MIGRATOR] Migrate SECRET groups from BuddyPress to PeepSo
  • [CORE] Improvements to online icon – ps-icon-circle
  • [CORE] Notification improvements
  • [PHOTOS] Improved images arrangement on multi-images upload
  • [GROUPS] Improved about screen – Stage 1
  • [REACTIONS] Move CSS to a file instead of admin-ajax
  • [REACTIONS] Compatibility with screen readers
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Move CSS to a file instead of admin-ajax
  • [MULTI] If full cover is enabled, modifying it should always be possible
  • [MULTI] AJAX improvements
  • [MULTI] Generic “content not found” screen
  • [CORE] Random activity rendered when there is no ID in the url
  • [CORE] Single activity view with only me privacy
  • [CORE] Posting timezone issue
  • [GROUPS] Secret group category count
  • [GROUPS] Notification wrong link with SEF
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Hide when empty – navigation is wrong
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Frontend blog posts submission missing check
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Double // in navigation in Profile
  • [LOCATION] Update google maps api documentation URL
  • [FRIENDS] Notice on friend profile page on friend tab
  • [TAGS] Email notification content
  • [MULTI] Mixed photos inside popup in group
  • [MULTI] Reset emails
  • [MULTI] Dock notification icons positions

AUGUST 7, 2017

  • [CORE] Compatibility Check in PeepSo Dashboard.
  • [CORE] Add Community link to wp-admin – Site > Visit Community
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Frontend Blog Posts Submission – Integration with CMinds plugin.
  • [WPAdverts] Chat / message ad poster about the ad.
  • [ADVADS] Targeting/VC Friend Count.
  • [MULTIPLE] Mark only clicked notifications as read.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Author Box under blogpost.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Customizable text for blogposts elements.
  • [GIPHY] Content rating
  • [MULTIPLE] SEO Friendly URLs – Try to get rid of “?” from the URLs
  • [MULTIPLE] “Always use full covers” setting.
  • [PeepSo] FSTVL add information what to do if plugins are not updating
  • [PeepSo] Disable username change, fix emal validation
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Hide options in the admin depending on what’s enabled
  • [LIMITS] When posting is disabled, postbox is gone and there is no message.
  • [MULTIPLE] PeepSoPluginCleanupGroups Stage 1
  • [MULTIPLE] Linebreaks in profile textareas
  • [PeepSo] Wrong cover in profile widget
  • [GROUPS] Admin failed when deleting album group.
  • [GROUPS] Cannot remove member of a group
  • [GROUPS] Category group count is not updated when group deleted
  • [HOTFIX/GROUPS] Double menu items
  • [BADGEOS] Do not completely disable plugin if MAX version is incompatible
  • [USERLIMITS] Users can still write posts on other users profiles
  • [MULTIPLE] Admin notice dissapeared

jULy 24, 2017

  • [PeepSo] Warning in addons page.
  • [PeepSo] Unescaped translation string.
  • [PeepSo] Broken styling on wpadmin bar notifications.
  • [PeepSo] Invalid username in footer activation email for admin.
  • [PeepSo] warning on edit profile.
  • [FRIENDS] Notice on friend request.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Default privacy setting on blog posts is not working.
  • [CHAT] Chat box on clicking messages notifications.
  • [CHAT] Remove unused error log.
  • [PHOTOS] Can’t reply to comments when in photo modal view.
  • [PHOTOS] Improve href elements on thumbs.
  • [GROUPS] Do not auto-expand first category it there is no groups under that category.
  • [GROUPS] Reposition on default group cover.
  • [LIMIT] Notice on widget.
  • [LIMIT] Notice on friends widget.
  • [VIP] Regular user can change vip icon.
  • [MULTIPLE] wp_max_upload_size() returns 0.
  • [MULTIPLE] Mixed group photos in popup.
  • [MULTIPLE] config tabs sidebar highlights.
  • [MULTIPLE] Fix deprecated jQuery.selector.
  • [PeepSo] Improve preferences page on mobile
  • [PeepSo] Put PeepSoError in file not database
  • [POLLS] “Post” button behavior
  • [EP] Extra genders show in PeepSo Dashboard statistics
  • [MULTIPLE] Profile tabs view for guests
  • [MULTIPLE] make sure images have alt param
  • [PeepSo] Weird animation when typing on comment textarea
  • [PeepSo] Notifications numbers can’t handle 3 digits and up on toolbar.
  • [PeepSo] Unresponsive login screen image.
  • [PeepSo] Do not redirect in Reset Password shortcode
  • [CHAT] Drag-and-drop issues
  • [GROUPS] Broken avatar tag on group listing search
  • [LIMITUSERS] Old plugins’ names in config
  • [MULTIPLE] Expired licenses
  • [MULTIPLE] Dropdown redesign – convert list to blocks & update classes
  • [MULTIPLE] Action icons overlaps textarea when editing comment
  • [WPADS] Search improvements
  • [MIGRATOR] Comments in profile stream disappear
  • [MIGRATOR] Tag friend on comment
  • [MIGRATOR] Fix group member count
  • [MIGRATOR] Deep nested comments
  • [MIGRATOR] add register_post_type to prevent warning when migrating messages
  • [MIGRATOR] gm_joined field is not migrated from bp_group_members

jUNE 21, 2017

  • [PeepSo] Fire an action after user fills X% fields.
  • [PeepSo] Fire an action after report was made.
  • [PeepSo] WSI integration.
  • [PeepSo] Improve toolbar styles.
  • [WPADS] Remove admin message from classifieds form.
  • [WPADS] NewScroll
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Improve styling under posts
  • [GROUPS] Better escaping HTML in group descriptions.
  • [MULTIPLE] Convert lists to blocks.
  • [MULTIPLE] No Unicorns were harmed while creating this version.
  • [PeepSo] Warning in addons page.
  • [PeepSo] Unescaped translation string.
  • [PeepSo] Broken styling on wpadmin bar notifications.
  • [PeepSo] Invalid username in footer activation email for admin.
  • [PeepSo] warning on edit profile.
  • [FRIENDS] Notice on friend request.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Default privacy setting on blog posts is not working.
  • [CHAT] Chat box on clicking messages notifications.
  • [CHAT] Remove unused error log.
  • [PHOTOS] Can’t reply to comments when in photo modal view.
  • [PHOTOS] Improve href elements on thumbs.
  • [GROUPS] Do not auto-expand first category it there is no groups under that category.
  • [GROUPS] Reposition on default group cover.
  • [LIMIT] Notice on widget.
  • [LIMIT] Notice on friends widget.
  • [VIP] Regular user can change vip icon.
  • [MULTIPLE] wp_max_upload_size() returns 0.
  • [MULTIPLE] Mixed group photos in popup.
  • [MULTIPLE] config tabs sidebar highlights.
  • [MULTIPLE] Fix deprecated jQuery.selector.

may 31, 2017

  • [WPADS] New Plugin PeepSo – WPAdverts Integration.
  • [PeepSo] Logout redirect.
  • [VIDEOS] Facebook video support.
  • [PeepSo] Improve automatic updates.
  • [PeepSo] Remove the “purge activities” setting.
  • [PeepSo] Supported domain should be added automatically.
  • [GROUPS] Search improvements.
  • [LIMIT] Notice if “Disable new posts” enabled.
  • [PHOTOS] Separate config tab.
  • [VIP] Backend improvements Stage.
  • [MULTIPLE] Load more items with NewScroll.
  • [MULTIPLE] Reorder admin tabs.
  • [PeepSo] Single Activity view broken.
  • [PeepSo] Do not initialise datepicker input outside of peepso-wrap wrapper.
  • [PeepSo] Setting “Who can post on my profile page” doesnt work.
  • [PeepSo] Some embeds (facebook) disappear after posting.
  • [PeepSo] PeepSoUser & PeepSoInput private methods
  • [PeepSo] Embedded iframe is not resized
  • [PeepSo] anyone can change avatar
  • [PeepSo] remove spaces from license keys
  • [PeepSo] Cannot login if password contains & character.
  • [AUTOFRIENDS] Cannot save autofriend config.
  • [AUTOFRIENDS] Error Notice on List table.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] profile tab: hide when empty.
  • [CHAT] Input text hides behind icons.
  • [CHAT] Select2 plugin conflict with WooCommerce.
  • [LOCATION] In mobile Cannot select location on Message box.
  • [MULTIPLE] AJAX security / cleanup.
  • [MULTIPLE] General DRY cleanup.
  • [MULTIPLE] PeepSoInput conflict with gettext.
  • [MULTIPLE] PeepSo missing message.

may 11, 2017

  • VIP Plugin
  • BadgeOS Integration Plugin
  • Reactions Plugin
  • AutoFriends Plugin
  • WordFilter Plugin
  • BlogPosts Plugin
  • User Limits Plugin
  • [PeepSo] Licensing
  • [PeepSo] Avatar upload UI/UX
  • [PeepSo] Show PeepSo reset password screen instead of WP Screen.
  • [MYCRED] Check if MyCred exists.
  • [MYCRED] Updates + Licensing + Version Lock.
  • [PeepSo] Cannot login when there is another non-peepso login form present on peepso login page.
  • [PeepSo] Creating pages when they already exist.
  • [PeepSo] Notice on WooCommerce pages.
  • [BLOGPOST] Errors on blog post after activate Comments integration.
  • [FRIENDS] Error in friends birthday widget – caching clash.
  • [VIP] Publish/unpublish vip icons.
  • [MULTIPLE] Duplicate Queries: PeepSoUrlSegments.
  • [MULTIPLE] Gender option in member search is hardcoded

april 20, 2017

  • GIPHY Integration
  • [PeepSo] Strict Version Lock
  • [PHOTOS] GIF support
  • [GROUPS] Make groups listing available to guests.
  • [MULTIPLE] Add optional “load more” button to infinite scrolls.
  • [PeepSo] Use infinite scroll if activity stream is visible to guests
  • [PeepSo] Backend > Addons Page > Show translations ONLY when clicking ‘Translations’
  • [BLOGPOSTS] handle long titles
  • [ED] Clear logs button/cron in backend.
  • [PeepSo] Encoded content when editing activity
  • [PeepSo] Liked css class is missing
  • [PeepSo] Repost issues on Ajax Request
  • [PeepSo] Different icons order on profile widget icons
  • [PeepSo] Focus area too low on Group subpages
  • [PeepSo] Broken user search
  • [PeepSo] Hide peepso directory notification on first activation
  • [PHOTOS] Comments photo add ons replaced by Photo items in Custom Album
  • [PHOTOS] Error on custom album photo comment
  • [PHOTOS] Error on album with no photo
  • [GROUPS] Cannot change group avatar if exif is missing
  • [GROUPS] Infinite scroll loads other group activities
  • [GROUPS] enqueue_scripts causes load on the database
  • [GROUPS] Missing Groups Information on Modal comments
  • [GROUPS] Error on group album when viewed as admin
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Blogpost embed twice. Should be once.
  • [MULTIPLE] Remove Polls from Messages postbox
  • [MULTIPLE] missing photo comment on group album when opening image in popup
  • [MULTIPLE] Update table notice
  • [MULTIPLE] Multiple/double queries.

april 5, 2017

  • POLLS Plugin
  • [PeepSo] Make members listing available to guests.
  • [MULTIPLE] New Scroll on Stream, in Photos, Videos, Groups…
  • [MULTIPLE] Sticky post privacy
  • [PeepSo] Change avatar on profile page in About tab
  • [PeepSo] Improve behaviour of privacy change in existing post.
  • [PeepSo] Tabs in profiles not scalable.
  • [PeepSo] Postbox Privacy selector improvements.
  • [PeepSo] Count comment reply in activity_ranking table.
  • [PHOTOS] Improve upload experience.
  • [PHOTOS] Add ‘Remove Link Preview’ when posting photos.
  • [MSG] Notification for unread messages added to count in page title (browser tab).
  • [FRIENDS] Removing a friendship should ask for confirmation.
  • [MULTIPLE] Performance and UX improvements.
  • [MULTIPLE] EXIF fixes.
  • [MULTIPLE] Context aware PeepSoInput.
  • [MULTIPLE] Mobile improvements.
  • [MULTIPLE] Randomize filenames for avatars and covers.
  • [PeepSo] Disable ‘done’ in avatar change modal after it’s clicked.
  • [PeepSo] Profile completion warning keep showing when all required fields filled.
  • [PeepSo] Login issue on minified page.
  • [PeepSo] Theme css overridden when having same class name.
  • [PeepSo] Avatar is not square/circle without cropping.
  • [PeepSo] Error on profile widget.
  • [PeepSo] Default sorting on members not working.
  • [PeepSo] Radio elements are broken in Ban dialog window.
  • [PeepSo] Broken title on visual composer addon plugin.
  • [PeepSo] Wrong number member count in PeepSo dashboard.
  • [PeepSo] Fix missing file.
  • [MSG] Enter to Send checkbox is not aligned properly in mobile view.
  • [MSG] Always scroll to top in message view page.
  • [MSG] Radio elements are broken in “Mute Conversation” dialog window.
  • [LOC] Mandatory on location field failed in registration.
  • [GROUPS] Error on change group avatar.
  • [GROUPS] PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in groups.php on line 2061.
  • [GROUPS] Special/escaped chars upon save.
  • [GROUPS] Error on accept group invitation.
  • [GROUPS] Filter button not working in Groups page.
  • [MULTIPLE] Duplicate queries – PeepSoUser.
  • [MULTIPLE] Broken JS Dependencies.
  • [MULTIPLE] PeepSo use bootstrap classes on the toolbar items.

march 8, 2017

  • [GROUPS] Group Categories.
  • [MSG+CHAT] Merge Chat with Messages.
  • [MSG] Chat AJAX smart timing.
  • [MULTIPLE] new PeepSoUser()
  • [MULTIPLE] Add notification icons to WPAdminBar.
  • [PeepSo] Notification Ajax executed in every page.
  • [PeepSo] Force Profile Completion information improvements
  • [PeepSo] Run notification AJAX every 30s
  • [PeepSo] Remove “activity per page” setting from user profiles.
  • [GROUPS] Remove unnecessary member count in About view.
  • [GROUPS] Changes to groups listing in backend.
  • [PHOTOS] Always crop miniatures to squares in widgets.
  • [MULTIPLE] Changed localization for TagSo, PeepSo, MoodSo, LocSo
  • [PeepSo] Error in PeepSoUserAdminClass.
  • [PeepSo] Sanitize input for activation form.
  • [PeepSo] Time elapsed translation taken from WordPress.
  • [PeepSo] Custom WP_CONTENT folder cause images 404
  • [PeepSo] “PeepSo” label appear in page title in specific themes.
  • [PeepSo] Widget latest members is not working as should.
  • [PeepSo] Invalid peepso url on fresh install.
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo shortcode won’t update if there is another shortcode inside page.
  • [PeepSo] Menu button does not work in mobile view.
  • [PeepSo] Use secure cookies in https://
  • [PeepSo] Shared posts of not public content break styling / give errors.
  • [PeepSo] Merge “emails” and “mailqueue” config boxes.
  • [PeepSo] Incorrect page title on 404 page.
  • [PeepSo] Change default values for performance.
  • [PeepSo] No redirection after clicking activation link
  • [GROUPS] Login dialog appeared on non-PeepSo pages.
  • [PHOTOS] Non-translatable strings.
  • [PHOTOS] Error on photo modal window.
  • [PHOTOS] Album with “Friends Only” privacy are not shown.
  • [PHOTOS] “view all” counter wrong in widget.
  • [PHOTOS] Missing email template in admin.
  • [PHOTOS] error in peepso photos widget.
  • [FRIENDS] non-translatable string.
  • [FRIENDS] Warning error on birthdate widget.
  • [FRIENDS] Friend can’t view single post.
  • [MSG] “ago” not translatable.
  • [MSG] Error uploading photo via Chat.
  • [MSG] create a Messaging config tab.
  • [ED] Enable email digest plugin and table cant be created
  • [TAGS] Error in tagsajax.
  • [MULTIPLE] Privacy & OG, remove private data from meta.
  • [MULTIPLE] Sanitize username parts rendered as alt and title, delete peepso_after_get_display_name filter.
  • [MULTIPLE] Error in stream when GroupSo is deactivated.

january 18, 2017

  • [PeepSo] Split the ‘Profile’ menu on toolbar.
  • [PeepSo] Add New action to Profile Widget
  • [PeepSo] Add action after profile field save
  • [TAGS] Tag users when writing on their wall
  • [MULTIPLE] Add prompt for leaving a review in WP Plugins Directory.
  • [PeepSo] Wrong file system url for directory outside “wp-content”
  • [PeepSo] Bad escaping when saving email templates
  • [PeepSo] Untranslated text
  • [PeepSo] add “dismiss” to dashboard newsletter box
  • [PeepSo] Wrong recover password url
  • [GROUPS] group ajax request executed in category page
  • [PeepSo] This week User Engagement is not working
  • [PeepSo] unable to change upload directory
  • [PeepSo] Profile cover doesn’t change after upload on mobile view
  • [PeepSo] No “Reposition Cover” option after upload profile cover in mobile view
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo bootstrap should be loaded on admin page only.
  • [PeepSo] Fix broken lightbox arrows path
  • [GROUPS] Displaying post on Activity Stream Tab
  • [GROUPS] Cant change group avatar
  • [GROUPS] Prevent javascript from throwing error on null response on group listing ajax.
  • [GROUPS] Null value on groupsajax
  • [PHOTOS] Unable to delete avatar from avatar album
  • [PHOTOS] Photo title from upload via sharebox is wrong.
  • [CHAT] Missing icon for closing chat windows.
  • [CHAT] Chat ajax issue
  • [MULTIPLE] All group videos displayed on each group
  • [MULTIPLE] Error on stream title
  • [MULTIPLE] Fatal errors in widgets

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress