Changelog 2016

Changelog – 2016

december 19, 2016

  • [PeepSo] Add basic RTL support.
  • [PeepSo] Add New Action to Profile Widget.
  • [PeepSo] Show ‘me’ in the online members widget.
  • [GROUPS] Closed Groups.
  • [MULTIPLE] Photo Albums in Groups.
  • [MIGRATOR] Migrate closed groups from BP
  • [ED] Log or admin debug for Email Digest to monitor what emails are sent to who
  • [PeepSo] Notification type is only 20 characters long.
  • [PeepSo] Minify main CSS as default and combine other CSS files if possible to one file.
  • [PHOTOS] Nobody should be able to upload photos to album except album owner.
  • [GROUPS] Notifications refactoring.
  • [LOCATION] Add/edit/remove location on edit Activity Stream Post.
  • [LOCATION] API key is required
  • [MOODS] Add/edit/remove mood on edit Activity Stream Post.
  • [MULTIPLE] Group members should be allowed to tag other group members in a group post or comment
  • [MULTIPLE] Remove segments from profile / group page titles
  • [PeepSo] Fontello conflicts with another theme or plugin
  • [PeepSo] Wrong stream icon on toolbar profile (name) > Stream
  • [PeepSo] PHP7 notice about passing object by reference
  • [PeepSo] Profile deletion dialog window has “untranslatable” phrases
  • [PeepSo] URL link preview doesn’t show on comment stream
  • [PeepSo] Overlap postbox button on RTL site
  • [PeepSo] Notices in backend > PeepSo > Addons
  • [PeepSo] Unable to pin activity.
  • [PHOTOS] Cancel photos in postbox doesn’t remove temporary files on server.
  • [PHOTOS] Post button won’t appear after upload photo
  • [PHOTOS] Missing icon for uploading photos in album creation modal.
  • [MESSAGES] Last message is not updated in message list.
  • [MESSAGES] Picture is not showing on first message.
  • [GROUPS] Wrong group url ajax.
  • [GROUPS] Hardcoded group link.
  • [PMP] PeepSo pages redirected to membership registration.
  • [PMP] no membership email after registration.
  • [MULTIPLE] cannot add location on existing album without location
  • [MULTIPLE] Warnings on editing location field.
  • [MyCred] Error when activating plugin.

november 21, 2016

  • [PeepSo] Add a button on cover ‘Update Info’
  • [PeepSo] Add total members count to 2 widgets
  • [GROUPS] Group Invites.
  • [GROUPS] Notification to group members that group name was changed.
  • [LOCATION] Location field for Profiles
  • [3RDPARTY] PeepSo Icon Pack – Icon packs for 3rd party developers to hook into.
  • [PeepSo] Adjust styling for datepicker – usability.
  • [GROUPS] Page titles in single group view.
  • [GROUPS] Respect line breaks for group description.
  • [GROUPS] Group single activity view now showing in group context.
  • [PHOTOS] Styling changes, adding a big “+” for uploading more photos in postbox.
  • [PHOTOS] Disable navigation with keyboard in modal view if focus is on writing comment box
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo Groups shortcode added to Posts or Comments renders group listing view.
  • [PeepSo] Missing sidebar using “be theme”.
  • [PeepSo] Bootstrap datepicker being overriden by jQuery UI.
  • [PeepSo] Wrong opengraph URL.
  • [PeepSo] open_basedir restriction warning.
  • [GROUPS] Cannot upload Group Avatar and Cover when only PeepSo Core and GroupSo is installed.
  • [GROUPS] Default setting values on fresh installation.
  • [MESSAGES] Messages showed in random order using Videotube theme.
  • [MULTIPLE] PHP issue with Underscore template tag.

october 24, 2016

  • [GROUPS] GroupSo Plugin.
  • [MIGRATOR] BuddyPress Groups Migration.
  • [PeepSo] Login Redirect Improvements.
  • [PeepSo] Default images for PeepSo Profile Avatars and Covers.
  • [MULTIPLE] Add location to Photo Albums
  • [MULTIPLE] Redesigned Toolbar navigation
  • [MULTIPLE] Redesigned PeepSo Profile Widget navigation
  • [3RDPT] Support for PeepSo – myCRED Plugin Integration.
  • [3RDPT] Support for PeepSo – CMAnswers Plugin Integration.
  • [PeepSo] Notifications scroll to middle of the screen instead of top.
  • [PeepSo] Notifications scroll when inside a post view.
  • [PeepSo] Rename ‘Extensions’ to ‘Addons’ in PeepSo backend
  • [PeepSo] Nested comments not visible to guests
  • [LOCATION] Disable user geolocation on insecure connection (HTTP)
  • [EP] Refactor the admin tab hooks
  • [MULTIPLE] Default widget titles.
  • [MULTIPLE] Backend settings for PMP and ED.
  • [MULTIPLE] Remove options from backend for notifications
  • [MULTIPLE] Press ‘Escape’ to close lightbox.
  • [MULTIPLE] PeepSo::get_user_id() is not needed
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo pages creation during activation – date issues (scheduled)
  • [PeepSo] Comment textbox has too low height on Mobile view
  • [PeepSo] Error raised on form.js
  • [PeepSo] Hardcoded email footer
  • [PHOTOS] Issue with Url Segments in Divi Themes
  • [PHOTOS] After editing Album Post on activity stream there are badly escaped characters
  • [PHOTOS] activity page not reloaded when upload photo using AWS
  • [PHOTOS] Album descriptions not fully synced
  • [PHOTOS] Show X more comments doesn’t work in album view.
  • [MSG] user keeps receiving new message notification when setting is off
  • [LOCATION] Cant detect location automatically.
  • [TAGS] Unable to tag original poster in nested comments
  • [MULTIPLE] PeepSo page title is hardcoded

september 5, 2016

  • [PeepSo] Notifications for comments – Scroll to comment and highlight.
  • [PeepSo] Nested comments – follow the rules for showing the number of comments.
  • [PeepSo] Check if file directory is writable anywhere in wp-admin.
  • [PeepSo] Add email field in User Profile > Preferences > Basic
  • [MULTIPLE] Registration with Core + EP fields.
  • [PeepSo] Notifications – impossible to right click and open in new window.
  • [PeepSo] Notifications – remove link highlights in popover.
  • [PeepSo] Profile Widgets Style.
  • [PeepSo] Preferences > Account Settings.
  • [PeepSo] Single activity view improvement
  • [PeepSo] Nested comments and replies.
  • [PeepSo] Creating new post when a pinned post is present activity stream placement improvements.
  • [PeepSo] Remove ‘Getting Started Page’.
  • [TAGS] Nested comments and replies – tagging speed improvements.
  • [PHOTOS] Revamp albums – remove frame, add overlay.
  • [PHOTOS] Photos and albums should use 256px thumbs.
  • [PHOTOS] Truncate album names.
  • [PeepSo] Only Admins should be able to PIN posts.
  • [PeepSo] Notifications don’t show when on the page.
  • [PeepSo] “profile_like” notification – wrong link.
  • [PeepSo] Bootstrap (?) styling conflicting with WP 4.6 wp-admin fonts.
  • [PeepSo] Write on someone’s wall – notification rewording
  • [PeepSo] ‘Remove link preview’ doesn’t show when adding a link in EDIT post and comment.
  • [PeepSo] Nested comments notification link is broken.
  • [PeepSo] Remove fade out on notices – like when reposting.
  • [PeepSo] If there are no notifications, it should say so in the popover.
  • [PHOTOS] NOT album owner has an option to delete album on activity stream post.
  • [PHOTOS] limit of characters in photo albums names isn’t known to end user.
  • [VIDEOS] The ‘play’ watermark is almost invisible on light video frame.
  • [LOCATION] If location is moved to next line, pin should be moved with it.
  • [FRIENDS] If there are no notifications, it should say so in the popover.
  • [FRIENDS] “accepted request” notification – wrong link.
  • [MULTIPLE] Someone commented on user’s cover.
  • [MULTIPLE] Colors for certain elements should be inherited from the theme.
  • [MULTIPLE] Dynamic sidebar wont load on specific pages.
  • [MULTIPLE] Rendering of location and mood in videos modal.
  • [MULTIPLE] Rendering of location and mood in photos modal.

august 11, 2016

  • [PHOTOS] Users can create own Photo Albums
  • [PHOTOS] Add ‘View full image’ link under ‘options’ in modal window when viewing a photo.
  • [EP] Duplicate a custom field.
  • [EP] add “nofollow” to URL fields in user profiles.
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo Extensions Page.
  • [PeepSo] Pinned Posts.
  • [PeepSo] Nested comments – 1 extra level.
  • [PHOTOS] Instead of square, use the actual proportions of the image used in comments
  • [PHOTOS] Photos loading indicator on Activity Stream Posts.
  • [MOODS] new rendering in Activity Stream Posts
  • [MOODS] new rendering in Messages and Chat
  • [LOCATION] new rendering in Activity Stream Posts
  • [LOCATION] new rendering in Messages and Chat
  • [LOCATION] Substitute ‘ – at’ with location pin
  • [EP] Handling of “empty” separators
  • [MULTIPLE] Revamped Stream Action Titles
  • [MULTIPLE] Refactoring: peepso() & template tags
  • [PeepSo] WordPress 4.6 Compatibility
  • [PeepSo] Revamped Notifications.
  • [PeepSo] Comment field should be read only while posting
  • [PeepSo] Stream default action_text should be empty
  • [PeepSo] Send “Enable Account Verification” email to all admins
  • [PeepSo] stream AJAX calls are not aware of the context
  • [PeepSo] Option to share users profiles to other social networks.
  • [PeepSo] Show comments in batches not to show all at once.
  • [PeepSo] Security issue – review AJAX calls auth
  • [PeepSo] Add WSL Social Login buttons on the registration page.
  • [PeepSo] Rename / reorganize backend setting for Account Verification.
  • [PeepSo] Missing Email template for Share Post
  • [PeepSo] Spacing on the PeepSo Profile Widget
  • [PeepSo] Missing Preference for ‘Like Comment’
  • [PeepSo] Use default Underscore and Backbone library
  • [PeepSo] Add peepso_after_login_form action – 3rd party plugins integration filter
  • [PHOTOS] “Show X more comments” doesn’t load photos in those hidden comments.
  • [PHOTOS] Hide post(change avatar/cover) caused error in modal
  • [PHOTOS] Delete photos on stream didn’t delete thumbnails
  • [PHOTOS] The add photo to comment icon is overlapping text.
  • [PHOTOS] Editing a post with a photo attaches same photo to all comments.
  • [PHOTOS] Refactor repeated template code
  • [TAGS] Add comment in repost sends empty content.
  • [LOCATION] legacy code cleanup
  • [MULTIPLE] Automatic updates don’t fire all hooks.
  • [MULTIPLE] Missing Translation strings
  • [MULTIPLE] Upload directory reference shouldn’t be hardcoded.
  • [EP] cannot edit firstname and lastname
  • [EP] cannot set firstname and lastname as required fields
  • [EP] Clean up usermeta when deleting field
  • [EP] class PeepSoExtendedProfiles does not have a method version_notice.
  • [EP] Separators not showing for non-admin users
  • [EP] Trash Icon Not appearing when there’s a newly created custom field
  • [CORE+EP] Broken field validation on Edit Profile
  • [PeepSo] error notice on profile widget if there are no custom profile fields
  • [PeepSo] comment error while saving
  • [PeepSo] show 1 more commentS
  • [PeepSo] cannot post own site URL (own status update)
  • [PeepSo] “Community feed” text is hardcoded in peepso.php
  • [PeepSo] Members page Alphabetical sorting by name.
  • [PeepSo] Delete all activities on Admin still counts undeleted activity
  • [PeepSo] ‘Remember me’ checkbox on peepso login has no effect.
  • [PeepSo] ‘Remember me’ in login activity page view and widget checkbox misbehavior when checking it.
  • [PeepSo] Cannot change privacy dropdown on repost window.
  • [PeepSo] ‘someone liked your comment’- wrong link in email notification.
  • [PeepSo] URL fetching issues.
  • [PeepSo] Notification when tagging someone.
  • [PeepSo] User keep receiving email and notification when their settings are off.
  • [PeepSo] Hash issue on observer.js
  • [PeepSo] Notification page styling
  • [PeepSo] Comments on reposts causing errors.
  • [PeepSo] User A got notification even User A put a comment at own post
  • [PeepSo] Misspelled ‘apperance’ tab in Profile fields settings.
  • [PeepSo] cannot share own site URL

june 29, 2016

  • [PeepSo] Fixed exploitable AJAX endpoints allowing users to modify non-PeepSo user meta.
  • [ED] Multiple emails sent when using external cron job.

june 21, 2016

  • Email Digest Plugin

june 16, 2016

  • PaidMembershipsPro Integration Plugin

june 6, 2016

  • Extended Profiles Plugin
  • [PeepSo] Online Members Widget
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo Latest Members Widget
  • [FRIENDS] Friends’ Birthdays Widget
  • [FRIENDS] Mutual Friends Widget
  • [PHOTOS] Latest Community Photos Widget
  • [VIDEOS] Latest Community Videos Widget
  • [PeepSo] Core Profile Fields admin configuration.
  • [PeepSo] Open Graph and embedding support.
  • [PeepSo] Landing Page Image settings in PeepSo config.
  • [PeepSo] Temporary ban.
  • [PeepSo] Redesigned “Edit Profile” interface for users.
  • [PeepSo] Profile Completeness progress bar in user profile/about.
  • [PeepSo] Profile Completeness progress bar in PeepSo Profile widget.
  • [PeepSo] Add notifications to PeepSo Profile widget.
  • [PeepSo] Add title option to PeepSo Profile widget.
  • [PeepSo] Add option for users to hide their profile from all user listings.
  • [PeepSo] Add option to posts and comments to remove fetched link preview.
  • [PeepSo] Add option for linking WordPress profiles to PeepSo profiles on frontend.
  • [PeepSo] Add option to use “WP avatars only” within PeepSo.
  • [PeepSo] Activity ranking based on numbers of likes, comments, shares, views.
  • [PeepSo] Change ‘Show All Comments’ to ‘Show X more comments’
  • [PHOTOS] Core Photo Albums.
  • [PHOTOS] Adding a photo to comments.
  • [PHOTOS] When viewing own photos, new options for user to set profile cover/avatar from that photo.
  • [PHOTOS] Profile covers and avatars stream posts upon user changing avatar/cover.
  • [MESSAGES] ‘Send Read Receipts’ notifications in Chat and Messages.
  • [FRIENDS] When ‘X mutual friends’ is clicked, a modal will display those mutual friends.
  • [TAGS] Tagging users in comments sends notifications even if they haven’t participated in the conversation.
  • [TAGS] Add a setting to preferences about tag notifications in comments.
  • [MULTIPLE] Introduced tabbed and categorized community Activity Stream.
  • [MULTIPLE] Add “Hide when empty” option to widgets (except PeepSo Profile Widget)
  • [PeepSo] Reorganize user preferences on frontend.
  • [PeepSo] Change a phrase if no posts are on the stream.
  • [PeepSo] Improvements to feedback gathering.
  • [PeepSo] Simplified registration when confirming email address.
  • [PeepSo] Rendering links to PeepSo pages improvements.
  • [PeepSo] Separate email for ‘Someone liked your comment’.
  • [PeepSo] Move comment delete icon to top right corner and remove ‘Delete’ text.
  • [PeepSo] Move ’email and notifications’ settings to: ‘preferences’ page.
  • [PeepSo] Change ‘About Me’ to ‘Edit Profile’ in the Profile menu in toolbar and PeepSo Profile widget.
  • [PeepSo] Core refactoring of internal link handling.
  • [PeepSo] Improved API security and privacy handling of usernames, first names and last names.
  • [PHOTOS] Styling improvements.
  • [MULTIPLE] Widgets ‘yes/no’ switch styling.
  • [MULTIPLE] Changing all GET ajax calls to POST.
  • [MULTIPLE] PeepSo config rearrangement and improvements.
  • [MULTIPLE] Performance improvements
  • [PeepSo] If there are no posts the notification is misaligned with tabs.
  • [PeepSo] Mailqueue emails problem when using Mandrillapp.
  • [PeepSo] Hide repositioning covers completely on mobile.
  • [PeepSo] Localization issues.
  • [PeepSo] Link fetching issues.
  • [PeepSo] Double page title in page source.
  • [PeepSo] Change wording on ‘read more’ setting in config.
  • [PeepSo] Admin notification email when Admin Approval is set to ‘yes’ email tags generating “‘s”.
  • [PeepSo] Notifications to admin are stuck in mailqueue.
  • [PeepSo] Change wording in config of WSL integration.
  • [PeepSo] After cropping an avatar, the crop indicator stays in place.
  • [PeepSo] New User Registration email still stored at mail queue and not be sent immediately.
  • [PeepSo] Click option ‘Edit post’ more than once opens multiple editing fields.
  • [PeepSo] Mailqueue breaks if the user changes email.
  • [PeepSo] Editing a post or a comment that contains special characters doesn’t escapes them properly.
  • [PeepSo] Cannot edit post on activity more than once.
  • [PeepSo] peepso_config conflict upon activating many plugins at once.
  • [PeepSo] Show ‘RePost’ link only on posts with ‘Public’ and ‘Site Members’ privacy.
  • [PeepSo] Activating just PeepSo Core sometimes created an error of “unexpected output”.
  • [PeepSo] Bootstrap datepicker being overriden by jQuery UI.
  • [PeepSo] Delete a comment from stream Photos/Videos gives a PHP notice.
  • [PeepSo] Unclosed html tag on Approved User email.
  • [PeepSo] Deleting a comment gives a PHP notice.
  • [PeepSo] Fix the Strict Standards warning on wp admin > users.
  • [PeepSo] Warning error on mailqueue after new user registration.
  • [PeepSo] Fatal error on php7.
  • [PHOTOS] Styling issues in modal window.
  • [PHOTOS] Error notice caused by ‘privacy_access_levels’.
  • [PHOTOS] Remove ‘GET’ and use ‘POST’ in the entire plugin.
  • [FRIENDS] Reject and approve friend request on stream items context menu.
  • [MULTIPLE] Fix the unsubscribe link in the email footer.
  • [MULTIPLE] Missing loading indicators on infinite scroll in User Profile.
  • [MULTIPLE] Words breaking in the middle.
  • [MULTIPLE] Clicking ‘edit caption’ many times results in opening the edit field multiple times.
  • [MULTIPLE] Page title containing apostrophe renders html code in emails.
  • [MULTIPLE] Page titles on profile pages should be consistent.

april 14, 2016

  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.5.

march 30, 2016

  • Opt-in stats gathering on PeepSo dashboard.
  • Gathering feedback upon deactivation.
  • Location shortcode visibility in the backend.
  • Unread message notification still shows when new message is deleted.

march 22, 2016

  • WordPress Social Login integration.
  • Gravatar support.
  • A list of Pending Members PeepSo Dashboard.
  • A list of Reported items to PeepSo Dashboard.
  • Create a public endpoint for running the mailqueue.
  • Rename all plugins from PeepSo [X] to PeepSo Core [X]
  • Improvements to the reported items page.
  • Label gender and presentage color on User Demographics.
  • Reorganize the dashboard.
  • Remove socialsharing, add repost config.
  • Cleanup user roles and their descriptions.
  • Fallback to username if there’s no first name.
  • Change wording in profile preferences.
  • If every core PeepSo plugin installed, hide the list of plugins and bundle.
  • PNG alpha channel defaults to black upon conversion.
  • After tagging someone in postbox or comment move cursor to after the name.
  • Recent Members on backend empty and error.
  • RePost photo not showing preview.
  • check_permissions doesnt always return bool.
  • Adding a shortcode to a POST changes url.
  • Remove “email_register” template.
  • Registration emails mixed up.
  • Posting activity fails for IPv6.
  • Password recovery doesn’t work with captcha plugins.
  • Sidebar not showing on register page.
  • Warning error depricated function on date function.
  • Fetching links preview in FireFox.
  • If user put “[ peepso_profile ]” as status update, all profile page will be 404.
  • Location keeps being added when field is cleared.

FEBRUAry 17, 2016

  • User deletion Phase 1
  • Too slow visual feedback is causing people to click ‘like’ multiple times.
  • Change ‘Share’ / ‘RePost’ notification.
  • Hide the outline of selected elements in modals for photos.
  • Tagging suggestions
  • Put focus back in postbox or comment box after selecting tagged person
  • Changing avatars from ‘friends’, ‘photos’, ‘videos’ views in profile caused error.
  • Broken demographic stats in dashboard.
  • Misalignment on the login screen in Safari on Mac OSX.
  • Likes count doesn’t show number of likes.
  • Admin wp_list_table in mobile view.
  • Adjustment of cover images in full and half cover views.
  • Notices displaying in wrong place in the backend > PeepSo > config.
  • Styling issue on postbox in mobile view

january 20, 2016

  • Generated new .POT files.
  • Version check speed on plugins list.
  • Posting comments on mobile.
  • Styling of Likes on posts, comments, profiles.
  • User search – logic behind “total count” optimization.
  • Checking minimum avatar size.
  • If 2 open chat windows can’t fit in a mobile view do not display chat, redirect to messages.
  • Changing avatars from ‘friends’, ‘photos’, ‘videos’ views in profile caused error.
  • Broken demographic stats in dashboard.
  • Misalignment on the login screen in Safari on Mac OSX.
  • Likes count doesn’t show number of likes.
  • Admin wp_list_table in mobile view.
  • Adjustment of cover images in full and half cover views.
  • Notices displaying in wrong place in the backend > PeepSo > config.
  • Styling issue on postbox in mobile view

january 6, 2016

  • Change the ‘my orders’ link in the backend of PeepSo config to a proper one.
  • General compatibility improvements with WP 4.4.
  • Design issues in backend on WP 4.4
  • Uploading photos on WP 4.4
  • Activity infinite scroll keeps loading first page.
  • Profile page and web title are not same.
  • User cannot save profile when admin allows users to change username.
  • Login modal when logged out.
  • Use default WP user role when registering.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress