Changelog 2015

Changelog – 2015

DECEMBER 10, 2015


  • Allow to rearrange photos in postbox.
  • Allow others to write on my wall.
  • Setting to allow / disallow users to change usernames.
  • Add avatars to users’ names when adding them to conversation in modal.
  • Improve comments styling in modal.
  • Allow using ‘@’ in usernames upon registration and profile edit
  • Change validation on ‘admin email’ field.
  • Styling for delete profile buttons.
  • Right side with comments doesn’t fit.
  • Avatar change on mobile modal size improvements – cropping library.
  • When you add videos from different providers thumbs look wrong.
  • Styling of shared youtube links on stream on Divi theme.
  • Navigation improvements in modal PicSo.
  • Remove the notice after repositioning the cover photo on profiles.
  • Check if mailq is in the crontab.
  • Cannot change avatar at about me page.
  • Remove friend from my friend page.
  • The cog on friends list shows wrong options.
  • Chat input field won’t resize after sending a long message.
  • User listing styling on new message modal in dark theme.
  • Misspelled ‘received’.
  • Guests see the option to block users.
  • Blank confirmation message for delete profile.
  • User search on toolbar.
  • Page titles on profiles.
  • Friend Requests navigation changes.
  • Reposting modal styling.
  • Gender count in wp-admin dashboard
  • User change role not working on WP 4.4

NOVEMBER 12, 2015


  • Read More on Posts and comments.
  • Add ‘view full image’ link in lightbox in messages and chat.
  • Add possibility to upload photos in chat
  • Assets overrides, every single image
  • Improve styling of PeepSo so it blends more with themes.
  • Profile and navigation changes
  • Improve spacing between images in chat
  • Config section javascript validation and more.
  • Have a user preference for state of opening chats.
  • Improve chat render to accomodate screen width
  • Reorganize assets directory.
  • Indication that it’s a video is not centered in widget.
  • When recent activity is set as home page single activity view doesn’t work.
  • Reset password email invalid token.
  • Avatar modal styling issues on mobile.

OCTOBER 29, 2015


  • “Hide my online status” profile setting in user profiles.
  • Generated new .POT file.
  • Removed unused /_sql/ directory in PicSo.
  • Count mailqueue failures and only permanently fail after 5 times.
  • Warnings when fetching links in Postbox.
  • Email notification links display html.
  • Errors when saving “advanced” config tab.

OCTOBER 27, 2015


  • Dark theme.
  • Show who’s online.
  • ReCaptcha on user registration form.
  • Reset notification emails content to default.
  • Adjusting cover photo horizontally for panorama images.
  • Resizing and compressing of cover images for performance.
  • Reorganized Backend configuration settings.
  • Generated new .POT file.
  • Optimizing enqueue_scripts.
  • Replace all GET ajax calls with POST.
  • Licenses checking handling.
  • Make sure that email notifications are sent using the html template.
  • Config code refactoring.
  • Banned users handling.
  • Convert “link” tokens to link elements in notification emails.
  • Show chat icon not messages icon on action buttons.
  • ChatSo Styling improvements.
  • Email notifications for messages (and chat).
  • Adjust how the photos are displayed on stream on wide themes.
  • Remove old activities.
  • Notification emails content.
  • Clean up filters and actions.
  • Comment shown as a single activity.
  • Keep line breaks the same way the text was entered in comments.
  • Date picker width on “Twenty Fifteen” theme.
  • Admin notification email not being sent when account verification is on.
  • Cropped avatar quality loss.
  • Can’t modify the content of some email notifications.
  • Notifications text, especially space before ‘:’.
  • Layout on members page for long names.
  • Scrolling the contents of the chat window.
  • Cant scroll to select the location map on some themes and messages.
  • After sending a ‘long message’ the postbox doesn’t reset the size to the default size.

OCTOBER 13, 2015


  • ChatSo Plugin
  • Automated updates for PeepSo and its plugins.
  • Setting to use round / square avatars.
  • Reorganized config page.
  • Action buttons styling.
  • Tweaks to the profile page styling.
  • New way to load overrides for PeepSo styling.
  • Group conversations handling.
  • Fix Missing checkbox on Terms and Conditions registration page.

september 29, 2015


  • Option for administrators to ban users on frontend.
  • Setting in the backend for PeepSo avatars to be used globally or not.
  • New way to load overrides for PeepSo CSS.
  • Improved router.
  • Increased font size of comments on stream.
  • Change avatar styling from round to square.
  • Friend related action buttons on profiles and user listings.
  • Unified styling to square and sharp edges.
  • Actions related to blocking users are moved to ‘cog’ with other misc actions.
  • Username handling.
  • Name and Last name fields to accept space and misc characters.
  • Members page view in Safari on Mac.
  • Move ‘connection timeout’ notice to browser console.
  • Change the font that’s being used in PeepSo.
  • Mail queue non-array paremeter error.
  • Buttons for login and register on private profile not working for guests.
  • Like button on profiles not working.
  • Typo in the backend ‘Achieved’ changed to ‘Archived’.
  • Email topics not handling special characters.
  • Handling missing oEmbed images when sharing links on stream and in comments.
  • Dividing and breaking words on stream in comments, messages etc. between new lines.
  • The ‘x’ in postbox for removing preview of fetched links not working.
  • Comment input box not resetting to default size after posting a comment with more than one line.
  • Moved hardcoded language strings to .POT language files.
  • Photos with public privacy not opening in modal for guests.
  • Opening links in new tab not working as expected.
  • Postbox not resetting after posting status updates.

september 7, 2015


  • Added a .gif to indicate that the messages are loading.
  • Enter to send change styling issues in mobile view.
  • See ‘self’ in search results.
  • Displaying duplicated messages.

september 7, 2015


  • Ajaxified Messages
  • oEmbed handling
  • New Members Page filtering and sorting.
  • Timezones handling per user.
  • Indicate when someone’s typing a message…
  • Improve spacing between lines in Messages.
  • Purge Content default setting changed to ‘0’.
  • Add loading indicator when searching members on Members Page.
  • Dashboard graph for user engagement improvements.
  • Notifications layout.
  • Added ‘Who said what’ in Messages.
  • Layout of Photos in Messages
  • Added ‘Press “Enter” to send’ in Messages Postbox.
  • Added a ‘loading’ indicator when the postbox is fetching a link preview.
  • Members page settings for default sorting added on the backend configuration page.
  • Improving the visual aspect of the ‘write message modal’.
  • Postbox photo loading improvements.
  • More granular time of posting indication ‘a moment ago’ etc.
  • Avatars and profile covers working with CDN caching.
  • Displaying profiles of users with ‘space’ in usernames
  • Added PeepSo and supporting plugins’ .POT language files.
  • Long Terms and Conditions text is not scrollable in the modal.
  • Fix {sitename} tag does not parse the site name.
  • Notification count misaligned in mobile view.
  • Notifications on mobile are sticking out of canvas.
  • Long links and text breaking styling on Activity Stream posts.
  • Line breaks in comments should be kept.
  • When a slug is changed it shouldn’t break PeepSo pages.

august 11, 2015


  • All members page
  • Getting Started screen with essential information.
  • Add an overlay to show how many pictures are there more to see.
  • Make the input box for path file system wider.
  • Administrator area code improvements.
  • Dashboard plugins list improvement.
  • Changed default settings in admin for ‘Emails’ section.
  • Spacing improvements in Postbox.
  • Replaced the image on the login screen.
  • After blocking a user, redirect to Activity Stream.
  • Improved comments styling.
  • Changed messages notification icon, if no messages will link to all messages view.
  • Added visual indication to video thumbnails that they are playable videos.
  • Friends, users search improvements.
  • Notification popovers displaying too high in submenus.
  • Moved the characters count in Postbox to the actual message box when photos are uploaded.
  • Moved the characters count in Postbox to the actual message box when video is shared.
  • Widgets not initializing properly for all licensing scenarios.
  • Profile on toolbar doesn’t show submenus when in /friends or /photos or /videos views.

august 3, 2015


  • Issues with WordPress mobile app login when PeepSo is activated
  • A rare occurrence of blog post listing displaying underneath a single activity view
  • Disabled an incomplete Open Graph implementation

jUly 31, 2015


  • Add “Register” link to “mini-profile” widget.
  • Uploaded images quality control settings.
  • Registration confirmation emails need to skip mail queue and be sent immediately.
  • Licensing improvements.
  • Photo attachments in messages only showing up to 5 first images.
  • PeepSo Avatars outside of PeepSo.
  • Moods postbox presentation improvements.
  • Location postbox presentation improvements.
  • Blog posts showing under profile sub-pages.
  • Can’t edit caption for photos in a modal window.
  • Can’t edit caption for photos in a modal window.
  • Remove ‘view profile’ link from blocked users listing.
  • Logging in from PeepSo Me widget with wrong credentials doesn’t provide feedback to user.
  • Powered by PeepSo Showing more than once.
  • Likes rating setting fixed for profiles.
  • Bad quality of thumbnails in postbox.
  • PeepSo overriding themes’ styles outside of PeepSo.
  • A ‘cached’ version of comments, likes, edits of photos is shown in modal.
  • A ‘cached’ version of comments, likes, edits of videos is shown in modal.
  • Avatar should NOT change until “done” is clicked.
  • Uploaded avatars not contained by the wrapper.
  • Vimeo videos not playing inline on stream.

jULY 15, 2015

1.0.0 RC4

  • Dashboard PeepSo Plugins check which are activated.
  • Remove ‘Fancybox 2.0’ and use custom code.
  • Videos don’t play in Firefox.
  • Renamed menu items in the backend.
  • Contain the notification popovers and make them scrollable within their own boundaries.
  • On new install, assign proper PeepSo Roles to existing WordPress users.
  • Remove the ‘drag and drop’ cursor from backend options and fix the styling.
  • Can’t like an individual photo from a batch upload in modal.
  • Can’t report a picture from modal, when uploaded in a batch
  • Can’t repost a picture from modal, when uploaded in a batch
  • Sending a photo in a private message puts those photos in widgets and under profiles.
  • Remove the option to add videos from PostBox in messages.
  • Remove the privacy option from messages PostBox.
  • Entered message doesn’t stay when switching between video and photos in messages PostBox.
  • Photo attachment to messages breaks message list.
  • Photo thumbnails improvements and optimisation on the Activity Stream.
  • CSS improvements of the Activity Stream.
  • Can’t tag people in comments in modal in photos.
  • Fetching thumbs from websites returns black thumbnail.
  • Compatibility of special characters in name / last name fields.
  • Improved Licensing.
  • Improved PeepSo Versioning.
  • Optimized assets, minified JS.

june 24, 2015

1.0.0 RC1

  • Initial release of PeepSo Core plugin.
  • Initial release of FriendSo plugin.
  • Initial release of PicSo plugin.
  • Initial release of VidSo plugin.
  • Initial release of MsgSo plugin.
  • Initial release of TagSo plugin.
  • Initial release of LocSo plugin.
  • Initial release of MoodSo plugin.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress