Category: Release
New Release: PeepSo & Gecko
RTL language improvements, new targeting solution for Advanced Ads, small fixes and quality of life improvements.
New Release: PeepSo & Gecko
Compatibility improvements for Bricks Builder, and SeedProd Landing Page Builder. UI & UX improvements in chat, mentions / comments and lightboxes. Minor bug fixes.
New Release: PeepSo & Gecko
Support for Borlabs Cookie plugin, multiple minor UI/UX improvements.
New Release: PeepSo & Gecko
Small PHP8 compatibility improvements, quality of life improvement around “email required to login” feature, small fixes.
New Release: PeepSo & Gecko
New system requirements! Introducing configurable WP embed thumbnail resolution, GIF autoplay and chat sounds. Along with new page / layout options, and improved performance and builder compatibility.
New Release: PeepSo & Gecko
Ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 5.1.0, improved embeds, small fixes.
New Release: PeepSo & Gecko – Dokan Integration!
Introducing the Dokan integration and full compatibility with WordPress 5.7, PHP 8 & JQuery 3.