Asgaros Forum and wpForo Integrations with PeepSo

Brand new 3rd party forum integrations with PeepSo.

A couple of weeks ago, we were approached by a developer Marcel Hellmund who was working on creating something great for PeepSo. His creations are about integrating popular forum plugins with PeepSo. He went all the way even integrating notifications about forum stuff right inside PeepSo user profiles. Just check out the post below written by him where he introduces the integrations. Both of which are linked to below.

Introduction by Eric Tracz

Forums are an important point in communities to give members a place to discuss things and find help if needed. There are many ways to use a forum, for example as a theme based discussions platform, support area, knowledge archive or just to talk about fundamental things.

In 2020 I have searched for a way to use PeepSo with Asgaros Forum, one of my favorite WordPress plugins to create a forum. After hours of researching to find a suitable way to use the two plugins together I decided to create an integration on my own. It was my first time developing a WordPress plugin and now I’m happy to show you the result of my work that can be used for Asgaros Forum as well as wpForo.

How to connect PeepSo with a forum

Both, the Asgaros Forum Integration and the wpForo Integration bring all necessary things that site owners need to make a forum part of their community. Show forum activities inside PeepSo, notify members about new activities that take place in the forum, show PeepSo features like profile pictures inside the forum and give members the ability to control their settings from one place.

Forum overview pages

Everything is made easy as possible to guarantee a fast workflow while creating a community. With just a few clicks you are able to show community tools like the PeepSo Toolbar on your forum page and redirect all profiles from your forum to PeepSo profiles.

Fully integrated profiles

The integrations create a new tab in PeepSo profiles where members can see their forum stats, all of their created topics and all replies they have given. This feature makes it unnecessary to have more than one profile per user inside your website.

Forum activities tab in profiles

Notifications and Activity Stream

Every time a new reply is created, the topic author and all subscribers get notified about it โ€“ if they want. Members also get notified if they were mentioned or someone liked their post. This ensures that they won’t miss anything that happens in the forum.

One of the other big features is sharing forum actions in the activity stream. This way friends and other members can see what people are interested in or what they are working on. It also makes sure that the range of reached people that see interesting forum content grows faster.

Member activity stream

Make it one big community

One problem you still have while using not integrated plugins is that the design won’t fit together. These integrations do some of the work for you. You can easily add necessary forum links to the PeepSo Navigation and replace the default header with the PeepSo Toolbar. All implemented features are also fully compatible with PeepSo Gecko theme.

Connect the greatest social networking plugin with two of the best forum plugins you can find for WordPress. The integrations will ease up your way creating an outstanding community.

Brought to you by Marcel Hellmund
I’m an sound engineer for artists from germany and develop WordPress plugins for my company Quenso in my free time. I’ve started with webdesign and developement over 10 years ago as my biggest hobby and constantly try to improve my skills. I own my business since 2010 and learned the most things by myself.I’m a big nerd when it comes to trying new things and figure out ways that make them work as i want them to.

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Nico Ruhm avatar
@peepso_user_19786(Nico Ruhm)
Hey Marcel, gibt es schon eine Release-Date bzw. wie weit ist die Entwicklung? bin ganz heiรŸ auf das Plugin, da ich das Asgaros Forum mit Peepso zusammen nutze.
Jan 22, 2021 7:49 AM
Mark Stone avatar
@peepso_user_41034(Mark Stone)
Appears the referenced plugin was pulled from wp directory 2 months after Marcel’s post. The free version on is outdated and the pro version link is broke. Anyone else confirm this information?
Jun 27, 2022 4:05 PM
Matt Jaworski avatar
@peepso_user_10(Matt Jaworski)
@peepso_user_41034(Mark Stone) Marcel dropped off the face of the Earth a long time ago, we haven’t had any contact with him ever since.

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