The easiest way to spread word of mouth is by tagging pictures

Why Tagging is More Than a Feature

Tagging is a powerful tool for members. It’s a powerful tool for businesses. And it’s a powerful tool for community builders.

Chris Meyer is a wedding photographer in St. Paul, Minnesota. About 85 percent of his business comes through word of mouth and through social media networking. Four years after turning professional, he’d picked up more than $100,000 worth of photography work through Facebook marketing.

Only a tiny portion of that work came through paid advertising. In total, he’d spent less than $1,000 on social media ads over those four years.

Most of his new business came through uploading the images he shot at weddings and tagging the people in the pictures.

The most powerful way to build a community is through word of mouth.

The easiest way to spread word of mouth is by tagging pictures.

When your members tag their friends, they drag them into the conversation. They force them to engage and they spread notifications across the network.

Encourage your members to upload pictures and tag their friends, and you’ll give your growth rate a powerful boost.

Brought to you by Merav Knafo
Former CEO of

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