Photo Albums

How To Create Photo Album? #

PeepSo allows you to sort and upload your photos into albums.
To do this you firstly need Photos Plugin which allows you to upload photos in PeepSo.
In your profile menu go to Photos and click on Create Album button

The next screen takes you to the settings of the albums

To create the album, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the album name – Album name is required and is free of choice. You can name it whatever you want.
  2. Set your privacy of the album to Public, Site Members or Only Me
  3. Optional: fill in the description of the album
  4. Optional: Add photo location (if location feature is enabled)
  5. Upload some photos
  6. Press Create Album button


Delete the album #

To delete the album you have created, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Profile page -> Photos
  2. Click Albums tab
  3. Click custom album you want to delete
  4. Click Remove button


Delete album photos #

To delete the album photos, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Profile page -> Photos
  2. Click Albums tab
  3. Click album
  4. Click on the photo you want to delete
  5. Click the dropdown menu on the top right of the photo
  6. Click delete

What are your feelings
Updated on Oct 4, 2023