We’re thrilled to share our latest update packed with significant improvements, and essential fixes. We even included a brand new option to manually change the photo album cover.
Select The Cover Photo For Your Albums
In the past, PeepSo automatically set the first uploaded image as the default album cover. While this feature remains, you now have the option to override it. Simply browse the images in your album, and in the photo modal window, you’ll find a new setting that allows you to set the current image you’re viewing as the album cover.

What Else Is New
While transitioning from widgets to blocks, we discovered an issue with hashtags widget which prevented multiple instances of this particular widget to be present on a same page. That is now fixed. We also improved MySQL collation. In laymen terms collation is a well-defined set of rules which are used to compare characters of a particular character-set by using their corresponding encoding. This means hashtags widget will be more compatible with exotic character sets.
For a complete list of changes, please refer to our changelog.
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