New Release:

This new release brings a couple of new features in both PeepSo plugins and Gecko Theme, as well as plenty of bugfixes. Let’s check it out!

Rotate Images – Phase 1

This is a feature suggestion that we’ve often received. As always, we listen closely to our users and whenever possible we act accordingly. And finally, image rotation has found it’s way into the stable code of PeepSo Foundation, which means that you now have the ability to rotate uploaded photos. This feature is also available for all of our Free Bundle users.

It will, however, be delivered in phases. This first phase of the image rotation feature applies only to Profile and Group avatars. Subsequent phases will cover the covers (pun intended?), and then posted photos, and everything else.

It works in a really simple manner: just upload the photo and then use the arrows to rotate it.

Masonry Blog Grid

In Gecko Theme Customizer, you were only able to choose the grid option for displaying your blog posts and they would then be displayed in two columns. With this release, you are able to choose the number of columns, so your blog page will conform in a nice masonry style, filling the gaps.

This option can be found in Gecko Customizer -> Blog -> Grid Layout

What’s Fixed?

In our recently introduced File Uploads plugin, there has been an issue with displaying the icon for exotic file types. Your common RARs, PDFs and TXT files would work just fine, but the icon would not display for more niche file types. This is now fixed.

We’ve also implemented some improvements in EDD Integration layout, Chat windows and WooCommerce Integration.


As always, you can see our changelog for all the details.

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Brought to you by VIP PeepSo Member Siniša Krišan
I am experienced in various social networks and platforms. Among other things, I’m the guy you turn to for figuring out the feature’s details and resolving issues. I hail from Novi Sad, Serbia. My journey with Open Source had taken me across the globe to Bali, Indonesia, where I had spent several years working & evolving with the base PeepSo Team. I was involved with planning and development of very early versions of PeepSo and helped pushing the product forward. Although I tend to engage full workaholic mode, I am essentially a laid back person. I’m also a hardcore gamer and I enjoy playing video games with my girlfriend whenever I catch precious little spare time. I enjoy traveling and learning about new cultures and surroundings.

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Josh Journey avatar
@peepso_user_10386(Josh Journey)
Thank you so much for adding another great feature so soon. PeepSo has really been on a roll. 😀
Eric Tracz avatar
@peepso_user_7(Eric Tracz)
@peepso_user_10386(Josh) image rotation is actually a feature that’s paid for under our custom development. I don’t want to ‘out anyone’ so if **you** wanna come forward and have people thank for it, here’s your chance.
Josh Journey avatar
@peepso_user_10386(Josh Journey)
@peepso_user_7(Eric Tracz) a big thanks to all those who financed it along with the PeepSo staff who coded it. At some point I’ll be on the financing side.

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Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress