Ability to disconnect from Social Login and set a password, improvements for Mentions & WP Admin Bar.
Social Login
We have introduced a procedure for users to “disconnect” from the Social Login API and set a password for regular logins instead. This gives them greater control over their own accounts. In the future we plan to let users disconnect from Social Login by using the password reset flow without logging in, which will be especially useful if the user gets, say, banned from Facebook, one of the APIs suddenly stops working or your API keys are for some reason cancelled.
We have also eliminated the password fields in the account section for users who are connected with Social Login, as they don’t make sense in this context. Setting a password requires going through the aforementioned “disconnect” flow.
Improvements to Mentions
Mentions now work properly in Post Background when editing said posts.
Support for our Client Side Rendering based @peepso_user_XYZ syntax was extended outside of PeepSo context (where XYZ is the ID of the user). This kind of mention will not send a notification, but is a handy way of embedding a community name and profile link in posts and widgets, for example on our site @peepso_user_10 renders like this: Matt Jaworski.
Other improvements
WordPress Admin bar handling
Since moved the WP Admin Bar controls to Appearance settings, we received some reports that the PeepSo setting is impossible to overrule with other plugins. To remedy that, we added a fourth option to let WordPress decide – when that is selected, PeepSo does not interfere with the WP Admin Bar at all.
This release ensures WooCommerce 5.8.x compatibility.
PHP 8.1
As usual, we are proactively preparing for the future major PHP release to avoid any, even the smallest, issues. Fortunately our codebase is generally very modern, so our recent tests on the Release Candidates resulted only in some deprecation messages, which we are gradually fixing. PHP 8.1 is expected in November.
thank you for the updates.