Introducing cache busting, improved member listings and multiple improvements & bugfixes.
Update: patch is now available.
Profile covers in member listings
Some users have pointed out that the groups and group categories listings look great with the cover photos added into these views in PeepSo 3. But we never added them to member listings, which not only created a visual inconsistency, but also prevented your member lists from looking as great as the group listings. This release addresses that.
Cache busting
Another of the Early Access features is being brought to the stable product. Cache busting attempts to force visitors’ browsers to redownload the CSS and JavaScript file whenever the modification date changes on your server. It’s more aggressive than attaching a version number to query args, and works around some caching solutions’ tendency to remove such version number and making the browser cache too strict.
Cache busting is located in PeepSo Advanced Configuration, and is now considered an open Beta. Getting the modification date from multiple files might be resource intensive, so it will remain in Beta until we are 100% sure there are no drawbacks.
Early Access – Social Login & Invitations
We have refreshed the plugin with some new icons and an improved admin interface: the unused providers are now grayed out and sent to the bottom of the list, we improved the layout and sizing of the elements, and made sure the “how to” box always pops up whenever you enable a new provider – just to make sure the instructions are more “in your face”.
To test Social Login & invitations, download & install the new PeepSo Integrations: Social Login & Invitations plugin, activate it and make sure it’s enabled in the Early Access plugin.
Other improvements
The postbox is now inactive until the page finishes loading, to prevent issues with JavaScript. We fixed some issues with repositioning covers and how they render on smaller screens. There are multiple fixes related to various UI elements overlapping each other, as well as some compatibility fixes for Microsoft Edge and Yoast SEO.
November 11 update: patch
We fixed some important CSS issues that couldn’t wait for the next big release: postbox drop-downs displaying underneath other elements in desktop and mobile apps, and Gecko gradient settings affecting the friend request drop-downs in the profile widget.
Reactions & comments
Due to increased security measures, you can now only log-in using your e-mail address.
If you do not remember your e-mail address, send us an email at