New Release: PeepSo and Gecko

Lets you exclude categories from Blog Posts integration and control who can perform likes and reactions.

What’s new?

PeepSo now lets you exclude categories from the Blog Posts integration. The setting can be found in the Category edit screen. When a category is excluded, PeepSo will ignore posts that belong to said category, meaning a stream post will not be created and the comment integration will be unavailable. It might be useful if you have a category of posts where the community engagement is not welcome / important, or you use a plugin which uses posts for storage without a proper CPT.

Starting with you can also control who can like and react to posts and comments. This improves your control over who can perform notification-generating actions before they fill they profile, upload avatar, pay for a membership etc.

Brought to you by PeepSo Team Matt Jaworski
I am a professional nerd with **over fifteen years of experience** in the field of Open Source web development. Before [PeepSo]( I was a contractor and have helped build successful businesses around the world, including USA, UK, Germany, Indonesia, and Malaysia. A couple of years leading up to founding PeepSo, I was involved with JomSocial โ€“ a social networking extension for Joomla. Stepping up from the role of a contractor to a business owner, I became [PeepSo]( founder and Chief Technology Officer. I strive to build beautiful, fast, and functional software that **empowers users to build their own digital tribes with full autonomy and freedom** often not available on mainstream social networking media. In 2023 we spun off a new company to launch [Awedesk]( – a complete ticket-based client support solution for WordPress. I also created [ListoWP](, a modern to-do plugin for WordPress which is now evolving into a project management tool.

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Josh Journey avatar
@peepso_user_10386(Josh Journey)
Thank you adding the category exclusion option, it’s been on my mind for some time. Above mentions “Starting with you can also control who can like and react to posts and comments”.
Where do we find this new setting for controlling who can like/comment/react to posts?
Aug 3, 2020 5:08 AM
Siniลกa Kriลกan avatar
@peepso_user_13(Siniลกa Kriลกan)
@peepso_user_10386(Josh Lewis) It’s added to the WP Admin -> PeepSo -> Configuration-> User Limits
Josh Journey avatar
@peepso_user_10386(Josh Journey)
@peepso_user_13(Siniลกa Kriลกan) Thank you. Because the plugin wasn’t installed on my end I missed the setting as a result. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Looking forward to trying it out.
Aug 3, 2020 5:26 AM
James Holliday avatar
@peepso_user_18262(James Holliday)
hello I have an issue with my members now showing up
Aug 3, 2020 6:12 PM
Siniลกa Kriลกan avatar
@peepso_user_13(Siniลกa Kriลกan)
@peepso_user_18262(James Holliday) Please open the [support ticket]( and provide admin access so we can investigate this issue directly on the website.
Aug 4, 2020 6:49 AM

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Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress