New Release: PeepSo 2.7.11 and Gecko

A small bugfix release addressing rare registration issues caused by the previous release.

What’s new?

This release only ships two fixes to Registration related redirects.

SEO improvements shipped with PeepSo 2.7.10 interfered with some redirects in the Registration shortcode. In some cases, it would prevent a proper redirect during a registration process (redirecting back to form instead of success page) and/or failures to force a HTTPS redirect.

Brought to you by PeepSo Team Matt Jaworski
I am a professional nerd with **over fifteen years of experience** in the field of Open Source web development. Before [PeepSo]( I was a contractor and have helped build successful businesses around the world, including USA, UK, Germany, Indonesia, and Malaysia. A couple of years leading up to founding PeepSo, I was involved with JomSocial – a social networking extension for Joomla. Stepping up from the role of a contractor to a business owner, I became [PeepSo]( founder and Chief Technology Officer. I strive to build beautiful, fast, and functional software that **empowers users to build their own digital tribes with full autonomy and freedom** often not available on mainstream social networking media. In 2022 I launched [EmeraldWP]( which acts as an umbrella for my other projects such as ListoWP, Widget Shortcode Pro, and MomentsWP.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress