We’re proud to announce that PeepSo 1.1.0 has just been released!
A major focus of this update was the inclusion of a Members page to create a special wall for your community. Combined with real-time search, you’ll be able to filter users as you type and see how many friends you have in common for each person listed.

We’ve also created a ‘Getting Started’ page with a video showing the first steps you should take as you create your own community. You’ll receive a list showing the pages, the shortcodes and the official PeepSo plugins available. Sign up for our newsletter and we’ll give you a free copy of The Secrets of Successful Online Communities ebook.

Another feature that was introduced in PicSo 1.1.0 is the overlay that says how many pictures there are in one post. It looks fantastic and really adds to the plugin’s usability.
This version also fixes a number of bugs and adds improvements not only to the core but also to supporting plugins. You can see the changelog here.
Don’t wait. Upgrade to the latest version today. You can find upgrade instructions here.
Great additions, thanks!
great update,
regular and quick updates since your initial launch gives confidence for the potential that Peepso shows thus far.
look forward to more updates from Peepso !!!
congrats on a great start.
Hi Eric,
I want to video upload. have a upload option. ?Not youtube link
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If you do not remember your e-mail address, send us an email at support@peepso.com