PeepSo 1.7.3 Is Out!

PeepSo 1.7.3 available now. It’s focus was to fix a couple of bugs that snuck through so there are no shiny new features. We wanted to make sure everything is stable and in order first.

What you might’ve missed in PeepSo 1.7.2

PeepSo 1.7.2 was the last release of 2016. And it’s been a great year. PeepSo has improved tremendously and we picked up a bunch of fantastic new plugins on top of adding a ton of new features and improvements.

The 1.7.X versions are mostly focused on bringing you the ultimate Groups experience! This release was mostly about Closed Groups.

Translations And Basic RTL Support

PeepSo is growing. We now have an amazing community made up of people from all over the world, not all of whom speak English as their first language.They’ve helped to make sure that PeepSo is now available in a number of  languages, including those that read from right to left, like Hebrew. You can get one or more from 13 available translations for FREE here.

Translations Page
Translations Page

Edit Mood And Location

When you shared a post with mood and location, you have always been able to edit the text. But if you also wanted to edit the mood and location, you needed to remove the post and add it again. Not any more! Now you can edit the mood and location from right inside your posts. So much easier!

Post Editing with Mood and Location
Post Editing with Mood and Location

Closed Groups

This one is still hot from the oven. Closed groups are groups whose members join by invitation or through an application process that can be accepted or rejected by the group owner. The content of closed groups is private; only members can see the group’s posts.

Closed Group Privacy option in Group creation modal.
Closed Group Privacy option in Group creation modal.


Closed groups are listed in both the general group listings and in user profiles. However, the content of the groups, including:

  • Members
  • Posts
  • Photos
  • Videos

will not be available to non-members. Non-members will only be able to seethe ‘About’ text, the group avatar, cover, member count and the identity of the group owner (depending on the backend settings). Site admins can, of course, see everything.

Closed Group Invitations

We deliberated long and hard about group invitations. While we wanted anyone to be able to invite users to join a closed group, we felt that the group owner might want to retain control of the group’s membership. Currently, only the owner of a closed group can issue invitations. In future versions, we’ll add a settings panel to allow group owners to decide who can invite new members.

Group Invitation modal.
Group Invitation modal.

Post Rules

We really care about privacy. Like open groups, closed groups have rules that govern the posts they contain:


  • Show your group posts on your profile.
  • When you visit someone else’s profile, you can see posts they published in closed groups that you are also a member of, and be able to comment on and like those posts.

Activity Stream / Community Tab:

  • Show all posts in closed groups made by any member of groups that you are a member of.

Activity Stream / Friends Tab:

  • Show all of your friends’ closed group posts if I you are a member of those groups. You can comment on and like those posts.
  • Do not show posts from closed groups that you are not a member of.

Activity Stream / Groups Tab:

  • Show all posts made in groups that you are a member of whether they were made by your friends or not.

Group View:

  • If you are a member of this closed group, you can write posts and comment under existing posts.
  • If you are not a member of this closed group, you can only see the ‘About’ tab. You cannot see any of the posts or other content.

Single Activity View

  • Single activity view for closed groups can only be viewed by group members and site admin.

Logged Out Users / Guests:

  • Logged out users and guests do not see any posts from closed groups anywhere, including on the activity page.

Photo Albums In Groups

Together with closed groups we’re also releasing Photo Albums for Groups.Users will be able to create their own photo albums inside groups, and share their photos. The albums will belong only to the user who created them, and nobody else will be able to add or remove photos from them other than the side admin. The site admin will be able to remove photos (if they’ve been reported, for example), but won’t be able to add photos.

Group photo albums follow group privacy rules. Albums in open groups will be ‘viewable’ to anyone. Albums in closed groups can only be seen by members of the group.

Email Digest Logs

Email Digest is a great plugin that lets you bring people back to your community by sending them an email with the best content from a given period. With Email Digest logs, admins will be able to see the last 100 emails sent.

Email Digest Logs
Email Digest Logs

BuddyPress – PeepSo Migration Tool

With the introduction of Closed Groups, the GroupSo plugin will now be able to migrate your closed BuddyPress groups. BuddyPress has three types of groups. They migrate according to the following rules:

  • Public -> Open
  • Closed -> Closed
  • Secret -> Closed

The Migrator is available both on Plugins Directory and our own Addons Page.

Other Improvements

Google Maps has been making changes to their API. The API key used to be optional, but since Google’s changes you will need to add the API key to the PeepSo settings for the LocSo plugin to work properly.

It just means copying and pasting a string of letters, numbers and symbols.

While we were working on photo albums for groups we also improved profile albums. Sometimes admins have interfered with users’ albums, leading to some unforeseen errors. To make sure those errors don’t recur we’ve limited adding photos to album owners only.

Upgrade PeepSo Now

Automatic updates let you move quickly to the latest version—and you can do it all in the backend of your site.

Remember to update plugins in this sequence: ChatSo first, then all the child plugins. Core PeepSo plugin should be updated last. You can see the full changelog here.

No PeepSo?

The free PeepSo Core version is fantastic. But if you want to unlock the true potential of social networking for WordPress, install the other plugins today.

If you’d like to see what’s coming up next, check out our roadmap here.

Comments? Questions?

Please leave them below.

Brought to you by PeepSo Team Eric Tracz
I’m a Digital Nomad currently living in Manila, The Philippines. Co-Founder and CEO of First time WordCamp Speaker at WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2017, WordCamp Singapore 2019 and hoping to speak more soon. I started my journey with open source nearly a decade ago as a simple support guy. Joomla! was my first encounter with the world of Open Source. After that period of my life got phased out I fell in love with WordPress and never left. I have been both lucky and at the same time I worked my ass off to get to where I am right now. Free time, if I have any, is usually spent with my wife and / or travel around South-East Asia. Even when I’m supposed to be on a little vacation, not a day goes by when I don’t check up on PeepSo. So far visited or lived in: Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hungary, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, China, Japan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Norway, Germany, Scotland, England and more… Whenever possible, I jump on my Ducati Monster and just ride.

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Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress